When truth creates hysteria
A recent event in the South Dakota legislature reminds all of us that factual information about when life begins is the last thing proponents of abortion want anyone to know.
A recent event in the South Dakota legislature reminds all of us that factual information about when life begins is the last thing proponents of abortion want anyone to know.
in this issue: hot button issues: DAY OF THE PREBORN / JUDIE BROWN’S BOOK / NATIONAL PRO-LIFE T-SHIRT DAYcatholic hospitals: CONNECTICUTcloning: INTERSPECIEScytomegalovirus in pregnancy: SCREENINGdown syndrome: SCREENINGpolitics: NEW YORKplanned parenthood: PILL PATROLstem… Read More »Communique – Mar. 30, 2007
Recently the co-author of California Assembly Bill 354, the California Compassionate Choices Act, Assemby member Patty Berg, told the Eureka Reporter:
Upon learning that the British government has approved a plan to provide women with compensation for donating eggs that can be used in stem cell and cloning research, I was a bit aghast.
Merck is now developing a vaccine to protect people against the AIDS virus, and among those who are participating in the second of three clinical trials are 175 prostitutes from the Dominican Republic.
An enormous amount of rhetoric has flowed over the past few weeks, all dealing with Gardasil, the newest vaccine from Merck Pharmaceutical.
in this issue: hot button issues: SAVING THOSE DAMNED CATHOLICS / VALENTINES AND PLANNED PARENTHOODabortion: RETAINED FETAL PARTSactivism: BIRTH CONTROL TRUTHbirth control: ORTHO EVRA PATCHbirth control pill: BLOOD CLOTScanon law… Read More »Communique – Feb. 23, 2007
The infamous Teenwire web site, property of Planned Parenthood, defines what it means to be “pro-life.”
Today’s headlines inform us that Merck is ending lobbying efforts designed to pressure states into mandating the human papilloma virus vaccine, Gardasil.
For the past week, Planned Parenthood affiliates across the country have celebrated National Condom Week by encouraging young people, especially college students, to explore various types of sexual activity.
Ever since the first American Life League Crusade for the Defense of Our Catholic Church advertisement appeared in the Washington Times in January of 2003, there has been an attitude among many that people like me
Sidewalk counselor Patte Smith will probably never forget her encounter with a young man who held up a white trash bag and told her, “This is my baby.”