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ALL, Indiana speak out on Planned Parenthood

“Planned Parenthood is directly responsible for the deaths of 4 million preborn babies, which brought them hundreds of millions of dollars in profit,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League.

Siding with Planned Parenthood

The exercise of legislation via judicial fiat has reached new levels today with the decision of the Supreme Court to decline hearing arguments in defense of religious organizations which do not want to provide contraceptives s part of the drug coverage they offer to their employees.

Supreme Court wrong on contraception ruling

The exercise of legislating via judicial fiat has reached new levels today as the Supreme Court declined to hear arguments in defense of religious organizations which do not want to provide contraceptives as part of the drug coverage they offer to their employees.

Liberty U. and ALL host Pro-life Memorial Day event

“Pro-life Memorial Day is a time for people across the nation to remember the 48 million preborn children killed by surgical abortion since 1973,” said Erik Whittington, American Life League’s youth outreach director.

Planned Parenthood’s Aurora stealth repeats history

“We’ve seen it all before,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League, referring to the developing situation in Aurora, Illinois where Planned Parenthood is reported to have constructed a new abortion facility without following the proper procedures to obtain the required special use permit.

Sedlak to speak at Indiana events

American Life League vice president Jim Sedlak will be speaking across Indiana over the course of the next week, presenting a series of talks on the history of Planned Parenthood, what the organization does, and how to fight it.

Who Will Answer For This?

My daughter was on birth control pills and only occasionally smoked (less than a pack a week). We lost her three years ago at the age of nineteen.