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Pragmatists Against Human Personhood

the legal recognition of a human being’s full status as a human person that applies to all human beings, irrespective of age, health, function, physical or mental dependency, or method of reproduction, from the beginning of their biological development

Contrary Catholics Continue To Confuse

There seems to be no end to the mind-boggling contradictions that spew forth from the mouths of public figures who claim to be Catholic, but use their media opportunities to discredit the Catholic Church and her teachings through deception.

Pro-Life T-Shirt Week Kicks off National Campaign

The next time you see someone in a pro-life t-shirt dancing in a puddle, holding up the London Bridge, or smirking for the camera next to a police officer – you may be witnessing American Life League’s Pro-Life T-Shirt Week in action.

Venerating Sebelius At The La Times

These two definitions, if one is to believe the L. A. Times’ Tim Rutten, set forth a conflict between pro-abortion Democrat Kathleen Sebelius and the Catholic Church, the Church being the entity Rutten accuses of waging a “holy war.”