Getting the Words Right (To and From Rome)
On her recent visit to Rome, Judie Brown, cofounder and president of American Life League, met with Vatican officials to discuss the changing pro-life landscape in America.
On her recent visit to Rome, Judie Brown, cofounder and president of American Life League, met with Vatican officials to discuss the changing pro-life landscape in America.
A crisis of facts exists among the many folks who hold pro-life leadership roles. This came to the public view most recently when the Institute of Medicine issued its recommendations for full coverage of birth control for everyone, thus making it free at our expense.
When Victor (hereafter referred to as Vic) and Karen Perez’s son was ordained a Roman Catholic priest on June 4 in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston,… Read More »EUGENE’S TEST ARTICLE — DO NOT DELETE OR MODIFY
When the recent Institute of Medicine recommendations came to light last Tuesday, there was a deluge of media commentary that followed.
Do you hear it? It begins as a whimpering, sniveling sound and peaks with a vicious roar, before dying down once again to a whimper. There it is again! And again!
Catholics have not done a good (or even adequate) job of addressing the attacks on marriage.
Not much surprises us in these days of deception. In fact, when a known abortionist is aligned with a Catholic hospital.
During the mid 1990s, while visiting the monastery at EWTN, Mother Angelica, foundress of EWTN, asked Jim and Joanne Wright to return home to Buffalo,… Read More »Station of the Cross
The field of bioethics, which is a fairly recent phenomenon in the history of mankind, has always been a slippery slope, as there is a huge difference between the natural law and the bioethical framework of committees or individuals making up the rules as they move along.
The Institute of Medicine just returned its report to Health and Human Services that annual sex counseling, contraception, and chemical abortion be mandated as free preventive public and private healthcare in the United States. IOM is on record that it believes abortion is a health benefit to women.
A recent report entitled, “The Case for Investigating Planned Parenthood,” by Americans United for Life has received some high profile support.
In an era awash with concern for civil guarantees, is it possible that science and medicine actually erode human rights? Difficult to believe, but that is exactly what is happening.