‘Hooking Kids on Sex’ Explodes on Internet
YouTube Blocks Video; ALL Responds with New ‘Hooking Kids on Sex II’
YouTube Blocks Video; ALL Responds with New ‘Hooking Kids on Sex II’
Ever since the January 20 Obama edict which denies freedom of conscience to those who honor the laws of God, there has been a black cloud hovering over much of the nation.
Individual conscience of Americans replaced by edict with Obama’s values: A.L.L.
by Michael Hichborn After American Life League exposed the fact that, in 2009, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) had granted money to 51…
The only folks who might have missed the fallacious claim that 98 percent of Catholics use contraception are those who have no newspaper or television set around. Lucky folks!
The rhetorical fever pitch over Obama’s latest healthcare fiasco is still swirling, but what I am finding in the dust particles is far worse than what is being publicly decried.
by Chris Kahlenborn We invite you to join us this coming Friday, February 17th, 2012 at 9:00 AM in front of the main entrance of…
According to Dr. William Brennan, a professor of social work in the Saint Louis University School of Social Work.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services refused on Jan. 20 to broaden the exception to its mandate that nearly all Catholic employers must cover contraception, abortifacients, and sterilization in their healthcare plans.
A.L.L.:”Obama betrays oath of office; the U.S. Constitution”
American Life League kicks off National Condom Week with graphic video on how Planned Parenthood hooks kids on sex
American Life League kicks off National Condom Week with graphic video on how Planned Parenthood hooks kid on sex