Please Catholic Bishops: Oppose Obama Mandate by Defending Catholic Teaching
Recent revelations about the activities of Catholic Relief Services once again give us pause to wonder.
Recent revelations about the activities of Catholic Relief Services once again give us pause to wonder.
A man in Aurora, Colorado, goes on a shooting spree and kills a dozen Americans.
Chicago Sun Times reports the death of another young woman at a Planned Parenthood facility. American Life League demands that Planned Parenthood end its culture of death
The Catholic Relief Services’ (CRS) latest scandal bears scrutiny because there is a distinct possibility that recent developments like this one contribute to the argument that, when it comes to the Obama administration’s HHS contraceptive mandate, the Catholic Church does not have a leg to stand on.
by Thomas Reynolds / Celebrate Life Editor’s note: We bring you this commentary in honor of the 44th anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s courageous and… Read More »The unheard-of holocaust: Abortifacient contraception
June 28, the day the U.S. Supreme Court upheld key parts of Obamacare, was a bad day for pro-life advocates, and for the First Amendment.
Biotechnology has made drastic advances over the past few years.
Experts claim that Planned Parenthood has such a serious foothold on government policy and finances that it would literally take a jackhammer to pull them apart.
Sadly, the saga of Fr. Tom Euteneuer is back in the news. For 10 years, Fr. Tom provided fearless and uncompromising leadership as president of Human Life International (HLI), taking the organization and its pro-life mission across the globe.
A shocking chain of events unfolded in the state of Colorado recently. For those unfamiliar with the details, it is my sad obligation to enlighten you.
Gates Foundation, UK Government, and its Partners Celebrate World Population Day by Strategizing on How to Eliminate More Defenseless and Innocent Pre-born Babies
The author wrote this article for a persuasive speech she gave in her advanced-placement English class in her junior year of high school. Her grade was 48 out of 50 (two points were deducted only for voice clarity, not content).