Religious freedom gets whacked
by Paul Rondeau President Obama, with the proud help of his friends at Planned Parenthood, wrote Obamacare. Together, they make you an offer you can’t… Read More »Religious freedom gets whacked
by Paul Rondeau President Obama, with the proud help of his friends at Planned Parenthood, wrote Obamacare. Together, they make you an offer you can’t… Read More »Religious freedom gets whacked
Dan Cathy, CEO of Chick-fil-A, made a simple statement that wound up creating an uproar among those who detest people of faith.
by Paul Rondeau At 12:30 p.m., December 8, 1941, Franklin D. Roosevelt declared to Congress that the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor the day… Read More »August 1, 2012: A Day Which Will Live in Infamy
American Life League applauds citizen courage of Chick-fil-A CEO
As hard as it is to believe, the Catholic Church willingly funded at least some of Barack Obama’s community organizing training in his early days.
by Ellen Marie Edmonds “To love and to cherish … for richer or poorer … in sickness and in health … till death do us… Read More »Becoming a mother to my husband: The highest call to love
Much of the world looks to the Catholic Church, the largest religious denomination in the world, to provide leadership in the struggle to defend innocent human life increasingly endangered by an advancing culture of death.
American Life League Urges Citizen Action as the Obama HHS Mandate Begins to Take Effect on August 1, 2012.
The Wisconsin bishops then instruct their flock, “Due to the serious and real threats to the dignity of human life that POLST and all similar documents present, we encourage all Catholics to avoid using all such documents, programs, and materials.
Astounded, I had to take a seat when I read the latest from Rebecca Taylor.
Wisconsin Catholic Conference of Bishops Upholds the Sacredness of Each Human Being’s Life by Condemning the Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST)
by Judie Brown The term “war on women” has taken on a life of its own in political and media circles. The question is, where… Read More »The imaginary war on women