Christians Should Be More Concerned about the Rights of Others Than Their Own
By Mark Pickup
A hallmark of the modern age is an obsession with individual rights. It seems that every other day somebody is demanding his or her rights.
By Mark Pickup
A hallmark of the modern age is an obsession with individual rights. It seems that every other day somebody is demanding his or her rights.
It would be nice if I could write about the Kermit Gosnell trial with the assurance that every American was aware of this abortionist’s dastardly deeds.
By Nancy Flanders
U.K. Independence Party (UKIP) candidate Geoffrey Clarke recently sparked outrage by calling for the forced abortions of unborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome, spina bifida, or any “similar syndrome which, if it is born, will render the child a burden on the state as well as on the family.”
Judie Brown, president and co-founder of American Life League, and a three-time appointee to the Pontifical Academy for Life
By Russell Shaw
The disruptive results for individuals and society spawned by the revolution in attitudes and behavior regarding sex, marriage, family, and childbearing that erupted a half-century ago have become too obvious to ignore.
The latest spate of headlines about Planned Parenthood warms the cockles of my heart.
oday, the Department of Health and Human Services will close the period for commenting on the contraceptive mandate now included in the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).
Many were in disbelief when a Planned Parenthood lobbyist from Florida, Alisa LaPolt Snow, suggested that babies born alive after abortion were nothing more than subject matter for decisions a mother should be able to make about whether or not her child should live.
Reacting to the decision by federal judge Edward Korman to order the federal government to immediately make the abortifacient morning-after-pill available to minors without a prescription
The windy city is known as a city where gun violence is an epidemic. Gun deaths in 2012 were 16 percent higher than the previous year—and the numbers continue to grow. Chicago’s overall crime rate reflects classifications for over 30 types of crime.
By Denise Hunnell, M.D.
Planned Parenthood has seen the polling data and is backing away from the term “pro-choice.” This is not surprising.
As we begin our Good Friday contemplations, our hearts are filled with sorrow.