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Fluke’s Gimmick

It is a sad moment in history when a government calls upon a lone woman to testify about contraception and attempts to tell the country she is representative of women. Where is the person they asked to testify about morality and about the sanctity of life? This deliberate attempt to alter morality and to squash the words and will of our Lord is becoming rampant today and the results are sickening. We must make our voices heard or this will not just be a fluke; it will be the norm.

All Praise and Thanksgiving to You, Oh God!

This time of year, we express our thankfulness more often. We tell others how we feel and maybe even perform works of charity. We remember those who cannot be with us or who have passed from this life. But let us never forget the smallest among us who never had the chance to live a life outside the womb. Let us not forget those who are sick or terminally ill. And let us always be thankful for the life we have been given and vow to make the lives of our fellow human beings better and more rewarding. For if we do not help others, who will?

The CCHD, Wendy Davis, and the Obama connection

By Rey Flores
On November 23 and 24, 2013, we will once again be hearing from a declining number of wayward priests and bishops across the country to contribute to the annual Catholic Campaign for Human Development, more commonly known as the CCHD collection.

Praying for a More Pastoral Approach

By Rob Gasper
Certain words and phrases like “social justice,” “pastoral,” and “felt banner” set off alarm bells when heard by traditional-minded Catholics.

The Billionaire’s Club: Philanthropy or Mischief?

A group of immensely wealthy individuals pledge to give at least half of their money to the needy. It’s an incredible gift of generosity. Yet what if these monetary gifts hurt more than they help? What if the money goes to services that destroy families and kill babies? Our country is in a sad state of affairs when we must worry about philanthropy like this.

Obama Healthcare Law Sentences the Innocent to Death

We all have reason to fear for the future for our families and for children not yet conceived. Insurance is supposed to protect people, to proffer health and well-being. Yet with the installation of Obamacare, the opposite will occur. Countless lives will be lost and destroyed, and we will watch our country sink further into an abyss of immorality.

Obama’s Department of Death with Dignity

The sick are poised to get a bit sicker now that many are losing insurance benefits that are valuable to not only their treatments but their lives as well. With the advent of Obamacare, many cancer patients are now finding that the treatments they’ve come to rely upon are no longer available or are available for a staggering cost. Today’s commentary highlights some of these cases.

Why Is That Baby an Enemy?

Many people today have a skewed idea as to who the enemy is when it comes to abortion. Most think it’s the baby the defenseless child who is a “burden” who is unwanted or sick or just a victim of bad timing. Yet they don’t understand that this baby is a human being a human being who is made in the image and likeness of Our Lord and who deserves the life he has been given. No, the baby is not the enemy. We must look inward to see the enemy, for the enemy is each and every one of us who make excuses and who allow or encourage this slaughter to continue.