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Bringing America Back to Life

By Dennis Howard
“Can America be Saved?” was the provocative title of an intriguing panel held in conjunction with Cleveland Right to Life’s annual symposium called “Bringing America Back to Life.”

Congratulations, Nancy Pelosi!

By Rey Flores
When I heard that Nancy Pelosi was going to receive Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger Award at its annual coven this year, I was about as shocked as when I found out that President Obama “evolved” on so-called same-sex marriage last year.

Catholics Must Be Courageous

It can be difficult to stand up for our faith, for what is right and good, for what we know to be the will of God. We need good leaders clergy who will set that example and show us the way, but we cannot rely only on them. We must also set the example. We must have the courage to take the lead so that others may do the same. And it is only in God that we will find this strength.

Transhumanists Say No to Death

As a society, we are pushing God further and further away from us. We put our faith in science when we should be putting it in God. We are even allowing science to take the place of God. If we continue on this path, we must be aware that, when we intentionally force God out of our lives here on Earth, we may be condemning ourselves to eternal life without Him as well.

The History of ‘the Choice’

By Michael Hichborn
In today’s modern society, we often hear the discussion on abortion, euthanasia, and other matters related to life as based upon one’s “choice.”

Millions of Tiny Crucifixions

As we move further into Lent and toward Good Friday, the day Our Lord allowed Himself to be crucified so that we may have eternal life with Him, we reflect more and more on His suffering. While His crucifixion story had a glorious ending in His resurrection, there is no glorious ending to the daily crucifixion of thousands of preborn babies. Not only is a child needlessly slaughtered, but left behind are wounded mothers, fathers, siblings, and grandparents. What will it take to end this holocaust?

‘Twas the Night before Ash Wednesday

By Regina Hiney
‘Twas the night before Ash Wednesday
And all through the rooms
Every cushion was overturned
Every piece of old candy found and consumed
The children were negotiating their Lenten promises in bed
Trying to find loopholes in saintly feast days ahead
With wine and Facebook and chocolate on tap
I was trying to reconcile myself to the long Lenten slap
When all through the house there arose such a clatter
I ignored all the noise for I cared not for their chatter.
Not to the window,

The Crude World of Baby Making

Once thought of as blessings from God, babies are now merely commodities possessions to be tinkered with at whim. And, when they aren’t wanted, or when something goes wrong, we just discard them like trash and start over. Catholic clergy have spoken about this tragedy that has befallen our society, but not enough have used their voices, nor have they spoken loudly enough. We cannot sit back and watch this calamity unfold. It is time for them all to speak loudly.