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Straightening Our Crooked Road

As we enter into Holy Week, we are constantly reminded of God’s never-ending love for us of the torment Christ went through so that we may spend eternity with Him. But we must make that choice. We can choose to follow Him or we can choose to follow worldly things. There is no better time than Holy Week to examine our actions, to make changes, and to set ourselves straight. We must never forget the purpose of life to someday look Christ in the eye and be invited into His arms.

The Persecution of Sister Jane Dominic Laurel

Teaching the truths about homosexuality, chastity, adultery, and how God wants us to live our lives is not always an easy thing to do. Nor is living that life. But God asks that we do our best nevertheless, for our ultimate goal is eternity with Him. We cannot plead ignorance. We cannot justify that we chose otherwise. God’s word is the truth, and though some may try to silence those who tell the truth, it doesn’t change the facts.

Christians in a Darkening Age Such as This

By Mark Davis Pickup
If you go to [this site], you will find a story entitled “Sing a little louder”—an account of German Christian detachment from the Jewish holocaust in the second World War.

What Is a Suffering Man Worth?

By Arland K. Nichols
How much is man worth? So asked Pope Francis in a recent letter to the Pontifical Academy for Life on the occasion of the estimable academy’s annual meeting and celebration of its 20th anniversary.

Surrogate Parenting Is Wrong!

Women selling their bodies as vessels has become an increasingly common commodity in today’s society. But the moral implications are far-reaching, and the emotional tolls are becoming visible. When science trumps God’s plan, and aims to override His will, calamity is sure to result.

Obama Abuses Pope’s Gift to Reward Nancy Pelosi for Role as ‘Catholic’ Court Jester

By Paul E. Rondeau
On March 27, self-described “staunch Catholic” House minority leader Nancy Pelosi excitedly accepted Planned Parenthood’s highest honor, the Margaret Sanger Award—named in honor of the eugenicist who founded America’s largest abortion chain. Only days later at a luncheon on Tuesday, April 1, Pelosi was presented with a gift from Pope Francis.

Beware! Your Signature Could Kill You!

Some say ignorance is bliss, but when it comes to your health, ignorance can be a death sentence. With the changes in the medical community and its policies, this is certainly no time to plead ignorance. We must educate ourselves, our aging parents, and our families as to our wishes and to Church teaching. Today’s commentary will help us along this path.

The Obama Mandate and Political Power

Lent is about halfway through, and we draw nearer to the day when Our Lord gave His life to save us from our sins. Yet our society daily tempts us to draw closer and embrace those sins. In fact, it is doing almost everything in its power to discard morality and God, as evidenced in today’s commentary.

The Pope and Obama Seeds of Good and Evil

Jesus told us that, if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move mountains. Yet the seeds most prevalent in society today are not those that bloom into something beautiful, but those that breed discontent, doubt, animosity, or even death. The seeds of life planted within a womb are repeatedly slaughtered. But our faith must remain. If we are to move mountains soften the countless hardened hearts we must rely on God. And we must pray.