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The Family, the Devil, and You

American Life League understands the importance of the family in society and the toxicity surrounding it today. To this end, we have begun a new campaign called Defend the Family. Today’s commentary talks more about this and explains how you can take part.

Miscarriage: The Heartbreak and the Lies

Suffering the loss of a child through miscarriage is a tragedy that evokes a great sadness. The direct killing of a child through abortion is also a tragedy. Knowing that some Planned Parenthoods now refer to an abortion as a “voluntary miscarriage” is sickening and further compounds the heartbreak of losing a child. Today’s commentary reminds us to be cautious with our words and to support those who have lost a child at any age.

Can Hospice Become a Death Chamber?

In a time when life is not valued be it the preborn, the elderly, or the infirm we must strive to teach that all people are worthy of love, respect, honor, and care. Doctors may not always look out for the best interests of their patients, so when it comes to end-of-life care, we must protect ourselves and our loved ones by being educated and by asking questions.

Ignorant Slaves

Pattharamon Janbua is a surrogate mother who carried twins for an Australian couple. Upon learning that one of the twins had Down syndrome, the couple pressed Janbua to get an abortion. She refused and the couple chose to abandon that child and take only the healthy baby.

Another Georgetown Outrage

What has happened to childhood? What has happened to respect for families and their abilities to teach children morality? And why should an institute, let alone a Catholic institute, recommend introducing concepts and material regarding sexuality to very young children? It boggles the mind and sickens the soul. Instead of forcing our children to grow up so fast, we should be encouraging them to enjoy their childhoods and preparing them for a life with Christ.

Mothers against Children

In our selfish world, we see motherhood scoffed at, we see babies thought of with disdain and discarded. We see people show more concern for the well-being of animals than for human life. It’s a sickness that has slowly crept into the mindsets of people young and old and it’s a sickness we must find a cure for if we are ever going to break this cycle and make people understand that the lives of all human beings are sacred.