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Ruthless Sympathy

The disposable mentality of our society had permeated into all areas of life, and now we see that even the sick or terminally ill are thought of in this way. How have we become a society that just wants to get rid of those whom we find it difficult to care for?

And Now a Word about Justice

Man wants to be so independent that he is leaving God out of more and more of his life. We push Him aside, searching for what’s fun for the here and now, and not really caring about morality, about other people, or even our own well-being. What happens to a society that lives like this? What happens to our souls?

CRS Smells Like Rotten Eggs

An organization should not call itself Catholic if it does not follow and teach the tenets of the faith. It’s pretty simple. Yet why does CRS not seem to understand this?

The Pill Kills Life and Truth

by Rey Flores
On June 6, American Life League, STOPP (Stop Planned Parenthood International), and over 30 cosponsors will once more protest the pill across the nation.

Questions of Conscience

From California to Wisconsin to Illinois and beyond, the consciences of believing Catholics are being challenged by politics and the medical profession with, seemingly, no relief in sight. Let’s examine what’s happening in these places.

Does That Baby Feel Pain?

Many people are all aflutter about the news that the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, also known as H.R. 36, is now on the Congressional calendar and-by the time you read this-will have been voted on in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Mother’s Day: A Big Yes to Life and Death

By Anna Eastland
For me, this Mother’s Day [was] different. I have been a mother for almost nine years, and have six kids, but this year [was] the first Mother’s Day when one of my children is already gone, and to be preceded by your infant to heaven is a very strange feeling.

Planned Parenthood and Tuskegee-No Difference

Duplicity-the main thing both Planned Parenthood and the Tuskegee experiments have in common. We eventually realized the harm done to hundreds of men. Yet people can’t seem to see through the lies told daily by PP. They can’t seem to understand the destruction this organization causes each and every day. When will the fog lift?