California, Here SHE Comes!
California has an extremely special traveler making her presence known over the next two months.
California has an extremely special traveler making her presence known over the next two months.
When we elevate animals to a status greater than humans, we teach others that human beings have little value or are disposable. Is this what we want our children believing?
Last night, as I watched the State of the Union Address from President Trump, I noticed that a vast majority of the Democrat women in the crowd were wearing white.
Today begins Judie Brown’s must-read three-part series examining the Pontifical Academy for Life and Pope Francis’ disturbing actions regarding this cherished institution.
Recently I read about a family that took a stranger into their home.
Disturbing changes at the Vatican and important research highlight this week’s news.
ALL illustrates why Neil Gorsuch should be confirmed for the US Supreme Court, and explains how you can help.
Forty-four years after the ‘Roe’ decision, abortion and Planned Parenthood dominate the news.
Listen to the sage words of ALL’s executive director as he schools a PP supporter.
Lies, misinformation, misdirection, and obfuscation. It’s just another day in the world of Planned Parenthood.
Very rarely is there a person so brilliant, so dedicated, and so compassionate that her words and wisdom live on well past her time on earth. Mildred Fay Jefferson was one such woman.
Five years ago, we ran two stories in the Wednesday STOPP Report about how Planned Parenthood uses bullying tactics to try to force others to give it what it wants.