Trump Exposes Planned Parenthood’s Priority: Baby Killing
This week’s tacit admission by Planned Parenthood should come as no surprise.
This week’s tacit admission by Planned Parenthood should come as no surprise.
What is Cecile Richards lamenting about this week?
Planned Parenthood has been lying for decades.
Planned Parenthood’s president, Cecile Richards, is convinced that abortion is so sacred that the organization is willing to give up government subsidies rather than stop its deadly “service.”
American Life League’s Stop Planned Parenthood International (STOPP) completed and released its third report on the compensation of the chief executive officer of each of Planned Parenthood’s 56 affiliates across the country.
Technology is helping save lives. To win the battle against the culture of death, we have to be creative.
Today’s second part in the three-part series about the Pontifical Academy for Life sheds light on some of its inner workings.
The mantra “Every child should be a wanted child,” adopted by Planned Parenthood and other promoters of abortion, has effects on several levels.
This little girl has the perfect answer for her mother’s question about love.
Life Defenders’ T-shirt for this year’s National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day has that perfect “wow” factor.
What’s happening at the Vatican, and where is PP’s annual report?
Learn and know the facts about Planned Parenthood. Your knowledge will save lives.