What We Should All Protest
What if NFL players protested the slaughter of innocent babies and knelt before their dead bodies?
What if NFL players protested the slaughter of innocent babies and knelt before their dead bodies?
This pro-life speaker and advocate addresses the skewed thinking of an uninformed BBC reporter.
Exciting news and stories that you won’t want to miss top this week’s headlines.
Do your children have a passion for expressing their pro-life beliefs?
Do you know what’s going on in your state government?
Just this week the United States House of Representatives passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Contrary to the headlines and statements from pro-life pundits, this bill is NOT a ban.
American Life League president Judie Brown will join pro-life leaders from around the world to participate in the first-ever Internet-based International Conference on Population Control.
Did you know that college-aged women account for more than one-third of all abortions?
October has many great opportunities for pro-lifers to stand up for pro-life beliefs by joining special activism events.
American Life League president Judie Brown issued the following statement in response to President Donald Trump’s recognition of October as Down Syndrome Awareness Month
No one likes to suffer, but humans are not animals who can be “put down” when infirmity or old age comes. How do we teach respect for God’s children in an era where assisted suicide is becoming more and more acceptable?
American Life League’s Culture of Life Studies Program will partner with the esteemed Institute for Excellence in Writing to host a pro-life essay contest.