By Judie Brown
As we navigate the era of the coronavirus, organizations like Planned Parenthood are confronting the health crisis by assuring parents that it can help guide them through the dreaded birds and bees conversation. Dr. Sara C. Flowers, Vice President of Education at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, says “Honest, ongoing conversations with parents and caregivers help children foster healthy relationships and make informed, thoughtful decisions about sex throughout their lives.”
This reminds me of that iconic phrase “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” While the slogan was created by an advertising agency for the United Negro College Fund in 1972, it applies to many things having to do with education, and from our perspective it also addresses the difference between mind pollution and mind informing.
The mind is wasted when garbage is introduced and then absorbed. The mind is enriched when measurable values and truths are taught.
Some programs, including curriculum supplements like those from the Culture of Life Studies Program, contribute to the education of the whole person and his perspectives on humanity.
Others, like those fostered by the culture of death, are skewed in many respects including the treatment of human sexuality as a robotic, pleasure-seeking activity with no moral guidelines or limits. When Planned Parenthood talks about sex, there is no doubt that the mechanics of the act are paramount.

But wise people like Laura Kizior say:
“A learning environment is the perfect place to teach children about living the gospel of life because it is there that they are open to the message of truth. Navigating the clouded paths of childhood in today’s cultural climate can be difficult if kids and teens have not first properly formed their inner moral compass.”
So, in a sane world where we find parents who do not want to brainwash their children by exposing them to every manner of ideological disinformation, there is no way to compare Planned Parenthood’s projects with those of the Culture of Life Studies Program.
Planned Parenthood is offering a cafeteria of choices based on pure secularism devoid of God and the natural law. And it is leaving no stone unturned. For example, its latest foray employs a sex education chatbot called Roo High School. According to reports, this effort—a collaboration between Planned Parenthood and R/GA advertising agency—is growing. Katie Edmondson, an associate creative director at R/GA, states that “when Planned Parenthood first launched Roo, the bot had about 25,000 conversations in its first week, and the nonprofit was aiming for 500,000 conversations by the six-month mark. After the Roo High School campaign, the chatbot received almost 1 million questions in less than five months.”
In other words, Roo High School is a propaganda bonanza for Planned Parenthood.
Alternatively, the Culture of Life Studies Program provides Catholic, pro-life materials, resources, and trainings designed to equip those teaching our children in such a way that they can “help younger generations bring an end to abortion and other threats against human beings, preserve the sanctity of marriage, and restore the kingdom of heaven on earth.”
CLSP’s wholesome, well-balanced approach to education for children grades preK through 12 relies on the truth about the dignity of the human instead of a distorted perspective of man as nothing more than a sex machine. One of its blogs accurately states:
“As Planned Parenthood teaches children to reject authority, be sexually promiscuous, and morally irresponsible, the Culture of Life Studies Program encourages students to embrace the lowly and defenseless in society, become concerned and active citizens, and celebrate God’s gift of life and His plan for the human family.”
And right now, while families across this nation are confronting the quarantine, CLSP is here to help. Parents can visit the website and give their children a FREE pro-life education. The CLSP is offering all downloadable materials for free while the quarantine lasts. These life-affirming educational lessons supplement whatever curriculum you use or can be used as stand-alone lessons.
The choice is clear. Sex is sacred; it is not just a bodily function. And CLSP is lighting the way for our future generations to get that message right.