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We need Judie’s timeless wisdom now more than ever!

Why an Abortion-Minded America Cannot Be Great Again!

Why an Abortion-Minded America Cannot Be Great Again!

By Judie Brown When Pope Francis visited the United States in 2015, he told a joint session of Congress: All political activity must serve and promote the good of the human person and be based on respect for his or her dignity. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are...

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A Spoonful of Murder

A Spoonful of Murder

By Judie Brown If you recall Mary Poppins’ lovely song “A Spoonful of Sugar,” you know that it is wise advice to sweeten the taste buds when using sour medicine. A similar concept is used today but in a tragic manner. I was reminded of this when I learned that some...

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Are We All Batty?

Are We All Batty?

By Judie Brown I grew up hearing the words “the world has gone mad” on a number of different topics, especially during the years of World War II, a war in which two of my uncles and my stepfather served. Fortunately, they returned alive and well, but sadly many of...

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Ode to Peanut

Ode to Peanut

By Judie Brown The local squirrel donned his cowboy hat so adorable.But then the animal authorities took his life, so horrible!They feared Peanut might have rabies,And unlike so many preborn babies,This furry critter was mourned. In a nation that can focus on an...

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When Freedom Is Deadly

When Freedom Is Deadly

By Judie Brown Freedom is defined as “the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action.” In its most literal sense, this definition suggests that not even the laws of God can impede the chosen actions of an individual. This would be the position...

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Mastering the Splendor of Truth

Mastering the Splendor of Truth

By Judie Brown Set aside the faith-shaming, the truth-fudging, and the fact-smearing and you are left with a simple, undeniable reality: There is splendor in truth. Sometimes it can be difficult to pick out, but if we strive to identify it, even in the most callous of...

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Ask Judie Brown