The most amazing story was reported this weekend by the British news source, Daily Mail. It seems that when Mary Jones was ten weeks pregnant she found out that she was expecting twins. But when the 20-week scan was done, the doctors shocked her by saying that one of the children was weaker, and would probably die. They also told Mary and her husband that if the first twin died in utero, that could cause risk to the second child. After much agonizing the Joneses decided to let the doctors operate. But, when they attempted to cut the umbilical cord, it simply was too strong. When they decided to cut open the placenta, the little one fought desperately for his life; he would not die. When the doctors performed a C-section at 31 weeks, lo and behold, two living, breathing little boys were delivered. Their names are Gabriel and Ieuan. Gabriel weighed half as much as his big brother, but now they are both doing just fine, thank you! The miracles that God blesses us with are often unnoticed; but when I read this one, I vowed to tell everyone I could find. Praise Him, and thank God for Gabriel's will to live. |