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REVIEW: Loving God’s Children

By Susan Ciancio

Rarely do I find a book so replete with facts, Church teaching, and the truth spoken in such great love. That is the essence of Loving God’s Children, a new book about the Catholic Church and gender ideology by John J. Bursch.

Throughout 10 articulate and easy-to-read chapters, Bursch explains society’s views on gender ideology, the transgender movement, and how a faithful Catholic should respond.

As he states at the beginning, “Gender dysphoria is the only mental-health condition where society urges individuals to align their bodies with their minds rather than their minds with their bodies.”

In today’s culture, anyone who does not readily affirm a person’s choice to live as the opposite sex or who does not use “proper” pronouns when referring to someone is accused of bigotry or hatred. Yet, as Bursch says, “love without truth is not love at all.”

And the truth is that, barring a chromosomal abnormality, there are two sexes and God created our bodies for a purpose. Mutilating this body is a grave sin and is incredibly harmful to the individual—both physically and psychologically.

Within the pages of this book, Bursch examines St. John Paul II’s teachings on the Theology of the Body. He addresses what science proves about the two sexes, and he discusses bodily identity. He then takes the reader into the dark world of what happens when someone ingests hormones or undergoes surgery to change their sex organs. And he introduces us to many men and women who “transitioned” to the opposite sex and who now regret it.

To read the remainder of this article, visit the Celebrate Life Magazine website at

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