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Human Cell Product Labeling Act

Edward Szymkowiak, an educator and a Catholic pro-life advocate, wrote the proposed MODEL act below regarding the labeling of products that were either tested with or contain fetal cells or any human tissue. Any state legislature can adapt, adopt, and introduce this act.  

No person in the course of doing business in the State of _________ shall knowingly and intentionally expose any individual to a product known have been developed and/or tested with cells originating from any living or once living human tissue without giving clear and reasonable warning to such an individual and by including on the product packaging the words, “This product was developed and/or tested using human cells.” 

Further, any such product packaging shall contain an internet link to a webpage indicating at least the 1) origin of the human cells used to develop and/or test the product and 2) the method by which the cells were obtained and 3) any medical or scientific name of any used human cell based line(s).  However, such information shall not include the name of any person or body from which the cells originated.

A person who violates or threatens to violate this Act may be enjoined in any court of competent jurisdiction.

A person who has violated this Act is liable for a civil penalty not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) per day for each violation in addition to any other penalty established by law. That civil penalty may be assessed and recovered in a civil action brought in any court of competent jurisdiction.