America the Ugly!
Compassion for the downtrodden, loving the sinner but hating the sin, and affirming our brothers and sisters from creation to death.
Compassion for the downtrodden, loving the sinner but hating the sin, and affirming our brothers and sisters from creation to death.
The struggle to defund the abortion-marketing giant, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, continues.
Captain America is one of Marvel Comics’ “Avengers.” He is a superhero who battles bad guys and thrills the likes of little boys such as my five-year-old grandson.
We have frequently argued that one of the main reasons why we want to redefine the pro-life movement as the pro-human personhood movement is that it is a positive
It was the year 2000 and the state was California. In a court case that rocked many believing Catholics, a lower court judge decided that denying contraceptive coverage to Catholic Charities’ employees put an undue burden on those employees.
The feminist movement, once personified by Betty Friedan and her soul sisters, founders of the National Organization for Women, has moved far beyond its stated goal of equality for women.
Recent headlines detail a rather confusing, but not surprising, situation involving Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of the Archdiocese of New York City, and New York state governor, Andrew Cuomo.
Recent headlines detail a rather confusing, but not surprising, situation involving Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of the Archdiocese of New York City, and New York state governor, Andrew Cuomo.
The dust has settled now; a brutal killer has been found guilty of murder. The cowardly abortionist chose life in prison instead of appealing his case, thus avoiding the possibility of facing the death penalty, and life goes on.
The past few days have revealed an emerging trend which should be heartening to faithful Catholics who have for so long yearned for good news.
In this era of motherhood by choice, we confront an oddity that I could never have imagined would occur in my lifetime.
The dictionary states that the definition of diverse is one thing differing from another. It further defines diversity as a noun meaning variety.