Syrian Children v. American Children
A few days ago former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, was having a discussion with her five-year-old grandson about possible war in Syria.
A few days ago former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, was having a discussion with her five-year-old grandson about possible war in Syria.
In philosophy, we are taught that the first words are the most important in an argument.
Few may have taken note of the blatant error in President Obama’s recent remarks on the occasion of Martin Luther King’s famous “I have a dream” speech, but the irony in Obama’s rhetoric struck me like a sword to the heart.
Cardinal John O’Connor was known for many things during his tenure as Archbishop of New York City (1984-2000).
The Catholic Church is praised by the mainstream media whenever the political positions its leadership takes coincide with the policies of the Obama administration.
A couple of headlines recently caught my attention, both suggesting that Americans are fundamentally out of touch with basic facts.
We’ve all heard the “quality of life” argument applied to everything from an excuse for abortion to the reason posited to justify assisted suicide or some other form of euthanasia.
Greed can be exhibited in many ways, including the ability of a human being to commit injustice against his neighbor.
The Daily Show’s John Oliver caught Secular Pro-Life’s attention because of an ignorant remark he made about a North Carolina Senate bill that addressed both abortion safety regulations and Sharia law.
It was the 1960s and many Americans had decided that they were quite comfortable and, in fact, pleased with the practice of contraception.
Over the last few weeks we have witnessed CRS expound gobbledygook in an effort to deflect criticism from its programs.
Recently a comment was made to me that when a pro-life law is passed by a state legislature, it can be a hopeless victory.