Personhood: A Challenge to the Intellect
It is simple. It is a scientific fact. A person’s life begins at his biological beginning. Opinion cannot change that fact.
It is simple. It is a scientific fact. A person’s life begins at his biological beginning. Opinion cannot change that fact.
Caring for those who are sick or dying should be a privilege not a burden, yet society does not seem to understand the love that we should show to our fellow man in their time of need.
Though much has been written about various marches in the last couple weeks, the most recent and most important saw people gathering to give voice to the tiniest and most defenseless members of our society.
Jesus gave His life so that we might live with him in eternal life. This incredible gift is ours if we follow His teachings and examples. Yet some are willing to throw this away.
New statistics remind us of the devastation wrought by the abortion industry. We must combat this devastation with Christ-like actions.
Making America great again means that everyone, including each and every preborn baby, deserves the right to life, liberty, and happiness.
When we advocate for the killing of the innocent or sick, we extinguish the light given to us by Our Lord, and we allow darkness to seep into our lives. Let us all be a lantern others can see by. Let this light guide others to Christ.
An archbishop’s sage words remind us of the inherent dignity of each and every preborn baby.
It’s simple: A human being’s life begins at his biological beginning. This fact cannot be ignored.
God has given us a wonderful gift. Not only should we be thankful, but we should proudly tell others.
With all the falsehoods and lies tossed around about abortion, we must remember to be the light and to help spread the truth to those around us.
The Christmas season has just begun. Rejoice in the Twelve Days of Christmas as we focus on Christ—He Who is truly present in our lives.