Politics of Appeasement
A few days ago I joined with several pro-life leaders in signing an ad that focused attention on Dr. James Dobson and other Christian leaders who had celebrated the Supreme Court’s decision in the Gonzales v. Carhart case.
A few days ago I joined with several pro-life leaders in signing an ad that focused attention on Dr. James Dobson and other Christian leaders who had celebrated the Supreme Court’s decision in the Gonzales v. Carhart case.
A bill that has just passed the Illinois state legislature and awaits the governor’s signature once again defies logic and deceives the public. Senate Bill 4 permits funding for human embryonic stem cell research and permits “therpaeutic cloning” while banning “reproductive cloning.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Republican governor of California seems to have lost touch with his identity as a Catholic-again.
I continue to be amazed at how the media sets forth the results of various polls as some sort of moral barometer, or guide to how the rest of us should think.
A recent story on St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke and his consistent defense of Catholic teaching exposes the difficulty many reporters have in seeing the difference between courage and controversy.
It is actually no surprise that Jack “Dr. Death” Kevorkian is once again giving interviews now that he is being relieved of his jail time due to health problems.
While it is true that all Catholic bishops are shepherds of their flocks and successors to the Apostles, it baffles me that some bishops take strong stands on behalf of the faith, but others seek wiggle room and search for ways to compromise.
Not long ago, Maureen Downey wrote an article for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on the subject of the Georgia pro-life movement’s new political goal
During the contest for Kansas Attorney General this past election cycle, Phill Kline’s assistant, Bryan Brown was lionized by the press.
On May 6 the Los Angeles Times published one of the most devastating [for me, not the writer] columns that I have seen in quite a while.
On the evening news this week, reports came from Iraq, where the reporters took pains to point out that 3,377 Americans have died since the beginning of the war. Almost every state in the union has lost sons or daughters in the war.
I frequently recall Father Paul Marx telling audiences that abortion was but the tip of the proverbial iceberg.