A Black Eye For The Pro-Life Movement!
Today was one of those days when you just knew—Super Tuesday and all—that something weird was going to happen! But who could have expected this?
Today was one of those days when you just knew—Super Tuesday and all—that something weird was going to happen! But who could have expected this?
Michelle Stepney of Britain has a story to tell that truly inspires and motivates me, and I hope it does the same thing for you.
For more than 35 years, pro-lifers have struggled to choose the best tactics and strategies while hoping to reach a point in America’s history where abortion would become an anathema to the public as well as lawmakers and judges.
Brian Bundy is a Michigan pharmacist who has refused to dispense the abortive “morning after pill.” In fact he has taken his refusal so seriously that when Target fired him he chose to sue them because he believes
Lauren Richardson is 23 years of age and, due to a heroin overdose, is now in a persistent vegetative state. At the time of the overdose Lauren was expecting a baby
Over the years, several official Catholic statements have outlined major concerns about the group “Catholics for a Free Choice.”
I do not often receive material from grass roots people that move me as much as the following prayer. It is most certainly the type of plea to our Father in heaven that we can make in unity with our Trust in His Will!
It seems that the price of the birth control pill on college campuses has escalated at an alarming rate.
I have long been an admirer of pro-life activists who go about their tasks with a sense of commitment, consistency and courage. Such a man is Will Duffy, who resides in Colorado and is the founder of a new project identified as Collaborator’s Project.
Perhaps this is the first time you have discovered that there are several states pursuing efforts to restore personhood to the preborn children of that state from the first instant of the child’s life.
I cannot believe what a week of blessings this has been for me. You know how inspired I was by the tens of thousands who attended the March for Life in Washington, DC.
January 22nd provided me with a unique opportunity–a chance to get a bird’s eye view of the March for Life.