Yes, It Really Does Stink!
Abortionist George Tiller is in the news, and it appears he is also making the news.
Abortionist George Tiller is in the news, and it appears he is also making the news.
You cannot possibly imagine how grateful I am to God for the most recent comments endorsing enforcement of Catholic Church laws that are designed to protect Christ from sacrilege.
When I read the recent news report from Britain, dealing with the mental illness that can follow a mother’s choice to abort her child, I was grateful beyond words.
Normally I do not use my blog to quote an entire commentary from another source, but this is so tragic, so vile, so very evil, I have no choice other than to share the despicable acts of a single abortionist who was literally caught dumping bodies as though they were nothing more than soiled tissue paper.
How often do you express your pro-life beliefs with your attire? Do you ever wear a pro-life T-shirt to the grocery store? What about to school or work? Or do you put a pro-life pin on the lapel of your suit?
As a young Mom, one of my most favorite times of the day was the hour or so I spent reading to our children. We learned all sorts of things together and we met some of the most interesting characters you could ever hope to encounter.
Headlines across the nation declared “1 in 4 teen Girls has STD.” What this means is that of every four teenage girls in America at this very moment, one will suffer from at least one, if not more than one, sexually transmitted disease.
Late last week my good friend John Henry Westin of Life Site News called to let me know that he had interviewed Bishop Elio Sgreccia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life.
When I saw the latest report on starlings and the dreadful damage that birth control hormones are doing to their ability to sing, I was amazed!
In Grand Junction, Colorado a 24-year-old man has been accused of first-degree murder, a charge brought because of his reckless driving.
Genethique publishes a monthly update discussing bioethical questions. The most recent issue presents a few numbers which underscore the reasons why it is so difficult to expose the sordid underbelly of the world wide in vitro fertilization business.
Bishop Paul Swain, the shepherd of the Diocese of Sioux Falls, has written a letter regarding the recent anti-abortion petition drive in South Dakota.