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Conversing With Aborted Children

Ever since the famous Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger memo was issued in 2003, debates have raged among well-meaning Catholics regarding precisely what the cardinal (now Pope Benedict XVI) meant by “proportionate reasons”.


It has often been said that when a truth is simple enough for even a four-year-old child to understand, most adults will probably not comprehend it. The older we get, the more inclined we are to discuss even the most important matters in a nuanced way, sometimes to the point of obfuscating the actual facts. Such is the case with abortion.

Scientific Myths and Facts

Two recent news reports make it perfectly clear that scientific research into alleged treatments and cures for diseases is either guess work or sadly lacking in conclusive evidence. Either way, let the buyer beware.

Personal Dignity Denied

What happens in a culture of death when the focus of attention becomes the value of an individual human being? As we have seen in much of the recent news reports, we need not move beyond our own borders to discover the answer. Let’s see why this is so.

Take A Stand

A few days ago Pope Benedict XVI, in another of his inspired talks, told Italian pro-lifers, “Continue along the path and do not be afraid, so that the smile of life may triumph on the lips of all children and their mothers.”

Nurses Who Kill

Headlines can make us nuts sometimes; the particular headline I noticed today was nearly impossible to comprehend. Let me explain why before I tell you a bit about what I have subsequently learned.

A Mother is a Mother Forever

Mother’s Day is a wonderful time to honor our mothers who have done so much for us. Our mothers carried us in their wombs for nine months, brought us into this world, raised us and helped to form us into who we are today.