The Notre Dame End Game Human Respect
So much has been written on the intransigence of Father John Jenkins, president of Notre Dame.
So much has been written on the intransigence of Father John Jenkins, president of Notre Dame.
A couple of recent local court decisions have given me a new appreciation for the proper definition of justice, and what that should entail.
Bizarre bilge is news and comments that would be unthinkable in a truly civil society. Once you read the following collection of “news” items you will get a sense of what I mean by relegating anything associated with the deceptions perpetrated by the culture of death as bizarre bilge.
Every once in a while I find an article that is so superb it needs to be seen by as many people as possible. The following is one such offering by Robert L.
It’s really interesting to witness the ongoing struggle between orthodoxy and malevolence surrounding the University of Notre Dame’s invitation to President Barack Obama.
Senatorial Courtesy, for those who are not familiar with the term, is actually part of the congressional glossary of terms published on line by C-SPAN.
The Catholic Church and her miraculous history of withstanding assaults from within and without is always a source of inspiration for me.
Depending on which account of the events surrounding the tragic invitation extended to President Barack Obama by the University of Notre Dame
ope Benedict XVI shocked the world on Tuesday, March 17, when he told a French reporter, in answer to a question about the Catholic Church’s position on fighting the spread of AIDS by using condoms,
Those Americans who have a true grasp of what justice meant to our founding fathers must be a bit perplexed by the actions of Eastern District Court of New York Judge Edward R. Korman who has ordered the U.S.
Egregious as it is, not to mention arrogant and evil, there are still people in this world who either refuse to admit that if not for their first days of life
In attempting to put a proper face on the ugly situation developing on the campus of Notre Dame University, home of the recent announcement that President Barack Obama would give the commencement address and receive an honorary degree