Error-Riddled Rhetoric From Both Sides On Plan B
A recent article by Detroit Free Press reporter Megha Satyanarayana aroused in me a fundamental disdain for dishonesty that I find very hard to ignore.
A recent article by Detroit Free Press reporter Megha Satyanarayana aroused in me a fundamental disdain for dishonesty that I find very hard to ignore.
These two definitions, if one is to believe the L. A. Times’ Tim Rutten, set forth a conflict between pro-abortion Democrat Kathleen Sebelius and the Catholic Church, the Church being the entity Rutten accuses of waging a “holy war.”
oday I will be in Canada, giving a presentation to a group of pro-lifers. I thought then, that it would be appropriate to share this blog with you.
The unbelievable results of the Baby Steps DVD, produced by American Life League, continue to inspire, motivate and touch the hearts of each person involved with ALL.
When St. Paul wrote his second letter to Timothy, in chapter three, verses one through five, he was probably not contemplating the identity crisis facing
When Governor Sarah Palin told an Indiana Right to Life banquet audience that her son Trig was a miracle, I can only imagine the standing ovation she must have received.
Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano wasted little time in going after President Obama’s most beloved opponents, pro-life Americans.
In 1985, when an IBM executive by the name of James W. Sedlak started Stop Planned Parenthood, I really do not think he had any idea that his realization of a need and the subsequent implementation of his idea would result in such a phenomenal success.
In 1985, when an IBM executive by the name of James W. Sedlak started Stop Planned Parenthood, I really do not think he had any idea that his realization of a need and the subsequent implementation of his idea would result in such a phenomenal success.
Some months ago, when Dignitas Personae was first published, we examined the section of the document dealing with the adoption of the frozen embryo, and came to a premature conclusion that the document was flatly rejecting the idea of the adoption of the frozen embryo.
Several years ago, in one of her most important scientific papers, Professor Dianne Irving discussed the nature of the pluripotent stem cell, which when taken from the human embryo, can itself become a human embryo.
Over the course of the last two days, I have received two separate e-mails from pro-life friends who are aghast at what they have been reading.