Planned Parenthood Promotes Mob Rule
By Jim Sedlak
Planned Parenthood has never been one to follow the laws of society.
By Jim Sedlak
Planned Parenthood has never been one to follow the laws of society.
By Chelsea Zimmerman
After the death of Robert Edwards, one of the British doctors who perfected in vitro fertilization (IVF), earlier this year, Miriam Zoll took a look at the legacy of third party reproduction, specifically the often overlooked numbers of failed treatments associated with these invasive technologies.
By Rey Flores
As the overall battle for life is intensifying in our country, especially in the states of New York, Texas, and Wisconsin, now is the time to strategically organize ourselves as pro-lifers in a truly cohesive manner.
By Steve Pokorny
Recently, a friend told me that he was studying the life of Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa. Blessed Alexandrina was chosen by God to be a “victim soul”—one who offers up her suffering for the sake of others in union with the cross of Christ.
By Kurt Kondrich
Genesis 3:22-23 [says]: “And the Lord God said, ‘The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.
By Michael Hichborn
On June 11, the liberal organization Faith in Public Life (FIPL) published a report attacking the investigative work of the Reform CCHD Now coalition
Dr. Dianne Irving
There have been dozens of “pro-life” bills proposed in various states and the federal Congress over the last two decades purporting to be “total bans” on human cloning.
By Jim Sedlak
There has been a great deal of activity in Washington, D.C. the last several weeks to pass a bill that backers say would ban all abortions after 20 weeks because the preborn child can feel pain.
By Mark Pickup
Pope John Paul II once said that the answer to the “why” of suffering depends on the ability to comprehend the sublimity of divine love. Unfortunately for most of us, it is beyond our ability to comprehend the wonder and perfection of God’s love.
By Rey Flores
It was reported this past week that 60 percent of Richmond, Virginia, households were single parent. More specifically, this means that these single parent homes are single mother homes.
By Jennifer Fulwiler
A few weeks ago, our front door broke. The handle became completely useless, to the point that there was no way at all to open the door.
By Rob Gasper
Rarely a week goes by where I do not receive a call from a Catholic pro-life activist frustrated with the errors and excesses of fellow Catholics, be it a Catholic politician promoting abortion or a Catholic funding group giving money to causes allied directly with the culture of death.