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Cowardly Remedies

By Judie Brown

When seeking relief from life’s challenges, it seems that more and more folks are drawn to the easy way—the secular balm that society offers. This occurs when human beings fail to recognize the all-healing, all-saving power of God. And today that occurs at an increasingly rapid rate.

This national malady is propagated by abortion providers (or should we say robbers of innocent children’s lives?) who are very concerned because the Trump administration is limiting the use of the FACE Act. The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act prohibits force or threat of force outside abortion locations. This law was never intended to bar peaceful pro-life protestors from publicly registering their concern that abortion is deadly for preborn children and dangerous for their mothers.

Trump’s Department of Justice is stepping into the fray to ensure that pro-abortion groups are not weaponizing the law in a way that would deter freedom of speech. The pro-aborts do not like that, arguing that pro-life protesters are unwelcome at their places of business. Their cowardly way out? Prevention of pro-life freedom of speech.

Planned Parenthood, on the other hand, has grown desperate to cement its strategic place at the table. Most recently the group has argued that right to life actually means a right to abortion.

Not only that, but in Missouri PP is pointing a finger at the state’s AG. A recent article stated: “Planned Parenthood Great Rivers President and CEO Margot Riphagen accused [Missouri Attorney General Andrew] Bailey of ‘exploiting the powers of his office to play political games, lie about the safety of medication abortion, and attempt to block patients from their constitutional right to access abortion care.’”

The politically charged language that Planned Parenthood uses exposes their particular brand of cowardice, which begins with an absolute denial that abortion kills people. You see, Planned Parenthood does not recognize the preborn child as a member of the human family. Their business, after all, requires them, not pro-life elected officials, to lie about the safety of any abortion!

Cowards fear the truth that ultimately always guides them to tragic conclusions. And sadly, in these cases, little ones die because of their moral cowardice.

The final nail in this cowardly remedy coffin comes from an allegedly unbiased source, the Bloomberg Report. The publication addressed the Trump nomination of Dr. Martin Makary to lead the Food and Drug Administration. Writing of her concern about the possible fate of the abortion pill, the author states:

This idea that the data needs to be reexamined on topics that are inconvenient or uncomfortable for the Trump administration has the potential to cause real harm to millions of women. However, it should also raise concerns about other areas where science might be manipulated to fit a political agenda. . . .

However, his answers on contentious issues show a willingness to follow the whims of his boss instead of science. That starts with mifepristone, but we should worry about where it ends — and what that will mean for Americans’ health.

Not only is it perplexing to challenge the veracity of valid clinical facts when dealing with the health of women, but it is downright arrogant for a business publication to assail science with pejorative language that is itself political hocus pocus devoid of verifiable evidence. When skewed reporting is published in a way that purports to be objective, that is itself a cowardly remedy.

Such people refuse to publish the truth, choosing instead to hide behind dissolute philosophy!

Thus, when Saint Thomas More points out that “the devil . . . cannot endure to be mocked,” we take note. We vow anew to expose the evil in our midst, hoping it drives the devil himself insane!