Week in Review
Maryland Bill Would Allow Contraceptive Vending Machines in Nursery Schools
A Democratic delegate in Maryland recently proposed bill HB380, which would repeal a current ban on allowing contraceptive vending machines within elementary, secondary, and even nursery schools. In a shocking decision last Friday, Maryland’s House of Delegates passed this bill in a staggering 89-to-41 vote. Delegate Nicole Williams, who led this bill initiative, stated that the current law is “outdated.”
The current law states: “A person may not sell or offer for sale a contraceptive or a contraceptive device, whether or not advertised as a prophylactic, by means of a vending machine or other automatic device at a kindergarten, nursery school, or elementary or secondary school.” This law also categorizes a violation of this as a misdemeanor and says that the person who violates it is “subject to a fine not exceeding $1,000 for each violation.”
In contrast to Delegate Williams, Maryland Republican delegate Kathy Szeliga voiced her outrage over permitting contraceptive machines in these schools:
MD lawmakers have officially lost their minds. Condom vending machines in SCHOOLS—from preschools to high schools? Yes, you read that right. . . . Thanks to HB 380, the “Condoms for Kiddies” bill, your child’s school could soon be a one-stop shop for birth control. What’s next, hormone therapy at recess? This is what happens when the people in charge put ideology over common sense.
We couldn’t agree more with this statement. While supporters of this bill attempt to justify the perversion of introducing innocent children to condoms and birth control, we know that this line of thinking is propelled by years of predatory “sexual education” programs throughout our country’s education system by culprits like Planned Parenthood.
If you are a Maryland resident, we encourage you to contact your senators and respectfully ask them to vote no to HB380. To send a letter to Maryland’s senators and governor, click here.
Several States Are Facing Pro-Assisted Suicide Legislation in 2025
An article from Catholic News Agency reported a list of states this week that are facing bills seeking to legalize assisted suicide. The article also details the states where assisted suicide is already legal and what measures they are proposing to expand it.
Physician-assisted suicide is another form of euthanasia, as a doctor prescribes drugs to an ill patient to take to end his or her own life. The three states proposing bills to legalize physician assisted suicide are Delaware, Illinois, and Maryland, while legislatures in Oregon, Vermont, and Washington want more access to this deadly act in their states (links to these bills are embedded in each state referenced above). As of today, 10 states and Washington, DC, have legalized PAS.
The dystopian concept of doctors aiding in the suicide of a terminally ill patient, with one not always actually needing to be terminally ill, is a horrific reality our culture has permitted for decades. While words such as “compassion” are thrown around to provide justification, what these doctors are doing is aiding in the murder of their patients.
ALL has written its own and republished other articles on physician assisted suicide over the years; you can read them on our website and on the Celebrate Life Magazine website.
ALL in the News
Katie Brown’s statement on President Trump’s recent order to expand IVF was featured in an article by Catholic News Agency. She also wrote an article reflecting on her grandmother’s (Judie Brown’s) legacy and her continued influence in the pro-life movement. Read the article here.
The Winter 2025 issue of Celebrate Life Magazine is officially out! Catch up on all the articles online here.
Susan Ciancio, editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and director of the Culture of Life Studies Program—ALL’s pre-K-12 pro-life education program—wrote an article about CLSP’s new Lenten reflection booklet, Culture-of-Life Voices of the Bible: 40 Days of Stories and Reflections for the Entire Family. This article was also featured in Today’s Catholic Homeschooling. In addition, she wrote about the new FBI director and what that means for pro-lifers. This article was published by LifeSiteNews.
Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of ALL.org.
Pro-Life Education
Culture of Life Studies Program
Culture-of-Life Voices of the Bible: 40 Days of Stories and Reflections for the Entire Family: This downloadable Lenten booklet takes you on a spiritual journey through the Bible to introduce you to 40 characters who helped build a culture of life. Each of the 40 days in this Lenten booklet tells the story of someone from the Bible who did something heroic to care for the people around them or to live our faith. We then offer a reflection, some questions to help you think deeper about the story and about your own actions, and a quote from the Book of Wisdom to fill you with inspiration. ORDER HERE
ALL’s Education Materials
Understanding Brain Death: Brain death is a concept not many people understand. And the current approach to pronouncement of death allows the needless risk of sacrificing one patient’s life to benefit another. In this brochure, we explore the link between brain death criteria and organ donation so that you are aware of what could happen to you or your loved one should the unthinkable occur. SHOP NOW
Pro-Life Social Media
‘Greatest Response’: Filmmaker’s Anti-Deportation Argument Looks Vaguely Familiar
It’s funny how every so often a pro-abortion celebrity uses a pro-life argument but isn’t aware of it. Filmmaker Michael Moore (Fahrenheit 9/11, Bowling for Columbine) thought he was being clever with his opposition to ICE deportations.
That didn’t escape actor James Woods:
For decades, pro-life activists argued that the systemic killing of preborn children might be responsible for the deaths of some magnificent innovators, to which the pro-abort retort is to think about how many serial killers were snuffed out.
See how that works? If we’re deporting potential geniuses, as Moore claims, then we’re most certainly killing them before they’re born.
Sympathy for the deported, apathy for the aborted.
Before we cure cancer, why not cure abortion?