In This Issue
- Planned Parenthood abortion-by-mail
- Planned Parenthood largest Black-baby killer in South Carolina
- A Waco Texas citizen tells the truth about Planned Parenthood
- Arkansas opponents of Planned Parenthood are on fire
Planned Parenthood abortion-by-mail
By Jim Sedlak
As the pro-life and pro-abortion movements are focused on the Texas law and the upcoming Dobbs Supreme Court case (scheduled for oral arguments on December 1, 2021), Planned Parenthood is wasting no time in rolling out abortion-by-mail across the country.
First to announce that it would provide abortion pills through the mail to women after a telehealth interview was Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region. That was quickly followed by Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, DC, which operates in DC and in portions of Maryland and Virginia. Just weeks later, both Planned Parenthood South Atlantic and the Virginia League of Planned Parenthood announced they would provide the same killing service throughout Virginia.
The events that have sparked the abortion industry to focus on “at-home” or “self-managed” abortions included the change of the national FDA regulations to allow the distribution of the abortion pills through the mail and the changing of state laws—especially in Virginia. When the FDA approved the abortion pill regimen, it required that the woman pick up the pills at a medical office. With the advent of the COVID pandemic, the current administration allowed an “emergency change” to the regulations to allow the pills to be mailed. The administration is now putting pressure on the FDA to make that change permanent.
Since the FDA reports to the Department of Health and Human Services and the head of DHHS is Planned Parenthood supporter extraordinaire, Xavier Becerra, Planned Parenthood is wasting no time in implementing the abortion-by-mail scheme.
Virginia has long had restrictive laws on abortion. But, with the Democratic Party gaining control of the government in the last election, the politicians have been working overtime to change those laws and make Virginia a child-killing-friendly state.
The Kaiser Family Foundation reported in June 2021 that 19 states have laws that specifically bar the use of telemedicine for abortions. Telemedicine abortions are specifically barred in Arizona, Arkansas, Louisiana, Indiana, and West Virginia. Other states that require the physical presence of a prescribing clinician include Alabama, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin.
Planned Parenthood has been preparing for the legalization of abortion-by-mail for over 15 years. In 2005, Planned Parenthood operated 172 surgical abortion facilities and 57 pill-only abortion facilities. By 2010, that number had grown to 165 surgical and 156 pill-only. In 2015, the abortion-pill-only locations surpassed the surgical locations—167 surgical and 189 pill-only. Last year, Planned Parenthood had 174 surgical and 213 pill-only abortion facilities.
Since all the Planned Parenthood surgical abortion facilities also commit abortion-pill abortions, the organization has 387 locations that will dispense abortion pills. You can bet that Planned Parenthood will be seeking to commit abortion-by-mail from every one of these locations—plus more that it wants to open. It will also put great political pressure on the 19 states listed above to change the laws—just as it did in Virginia over the last few years.
Of course, the rise in the number of Planned Parenthood abortion locations and the significant increase in preborn lives it will be guilty of terminating is not inevitable. There are many ways in which these atrocities can be stopped by the citizens of the United States.
First, since the first states decriminalized abortion in 1967, there has been a failure to recognize the truth—that every human being began life as a single cell and has gone through development stages from the first moment of his or her existence. As Congressional House Bill HR1011 states: “… the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution is vested in each human being.” It then defines a human being as: “… The terms ‘human person’ and ‘human being’ include each and every member of the species homo sapiens at all stages of life, including the moment of fertilization, cloning, or other moment at which an individual member of the human species comes into being.”
There are those who insist that, despite the facts, they have the right to “control my body” and that they can make decisions, even though it results in the killing of another human being who has his or her own body. Every time these people support “mandatory vaccines,” they belie their own argument.
Every member of Congress and every public official needs to recognize the validity of the statements in HR1011 and pass accurate laws.
The United States Supreme Court, in its handling of the Dobbs case, needs to do what the 1973 Court refused to do. It must look at all the scientific evidence and proclaim every preborn human being as having the right to life promised in the United States Constitution.
Every individual and organization fighting for the lives of preborn babies must insist that we protect all of them—no exceptions.
Those who are fighting against the taking of every innocent human being’s life must continue the fight, no matter who is elected or what setbacks we may endure. The truth is the truth, and we cannot pretend it is not important. Every human being is created by God. We cannot kill God’s children.
Jim Sedlak is executive director of American Life League, founder of STOPP International, and host of a talk show on the Radio Maria Network. He has been successfully fighting Planned Parenthood since 1985.
Planned Parenthood largest Black-baby killer in South Carolina
This past weekend, LifeNews ran a story by Holly Gatling, executive director of South Carolina Citizens for Life, revealing that Planned Parenthood killed 57.7 percent of all the babies who died by abortion in the state last year.
Gatling cited state statistics showing that there was a total of 5,468 abortions in South Carolina in 2020 and the two Planned Parenthood facilities in the state (in Charleston and Columbia) committed 3,159 of them.
State statistics also revealed that 48 percent of the victims at Planned Parenthood were Black babies. This was even though Charleston is just 21.6 percent Black and Columbia is just 39.8 percent Black. The other large abortion facility in South Carolina (Greenville Women’s Clinic) committed 2,274 abortions, of which 37.4 percent were Black babies.
Clearly, the statistics show that not only does Planned Parenthood kill more preborn babies than anyone else in South Carolina, but it focuses on the children of Black mothers.
The Planned Parenthood abortion facilities in South Carolina are part of the Planned Parenthood South Atlantic affiliate. PPSAT has 14 locations across North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. Eleven of these 14 locations in the four southern states (including the only two in South Carolina) commit both surgical and pill abortions.
As documented in STOPP’s Planned Parenthood Racism Report, in 2020 Planned Parenthood South Atlantic issued a public statement saying, “Planned Parenthood South Atlantic is reckoning with our own complicity in white supremacy and systemic racism. As we continue to deliver the high-quality care our patients expect from us, we know that progress can be difficult, but our patients, students, advocates, partners, and staff deserve no less.”
In its, 2020 statement, PTSAT also stated:
“Black lives matter.”
“Black dreams matter.”
“Black futures matter.”
“Black women matter.”
To be truthful, they should have added, “unless you’re a Black child waiting to be born.”
Clearly, PPSAT has a lot of work to do to live up to its stated desire to rid itself of White supremacy and systemic racism. It could start by ending all baby killing at every one of its facilities.
A Waco Texas citizen tells the truth about Planned Parenthood
One of the ways that STOPP always encourages fighters against Planned Parenthood to use in the struggle is letters to the editor of your local paper. We frequently read letters across the country and applaud the directness and honesty used by those who oppose Planned Parenthood.
We recently saw the letter below in the September 15, 2021, issue of the Waco-Herald Tribune. We present this screen capture of the letter to you here as an example of how to get the truth out about Planned Parenthood.

We must always remember that God is in charge and that we must always seek God’s will in our lives and then do it. This type of letter makes the point in a sincere and respectful manner and is a call to prayer and action.
May God bless all of you who make the effort to write letters-to-the-editor in your local papers. Anyone who would like us to consider reprinting your letter in a future WSR, please send us a digital copy by e-mail to Please put “Letter to the Editor” in the subject line. We will reprint in future issues some of the letters we receive.
Arkansas opponents of Planned Parenthood are on fire
Exciting things are happening in the small Northwest Arkansas town of Rogers. It all began a month ago when, with a tip from a local real estate professional, the anti-Planned Parenthood community in Arkansas became aware that Planned Parenthood Great Plains had purchased a building in Rogers in 2019 under an assumed name and was completing renovations.
Northwest Arkansas is familiar with Planned Parenthood. People there had fought its center in Fayetteville (home of the University of Arkansas and about 30 miles south of Rogers) for seven years before it closed. Planned Parenthood said, at the time, that it was a temporary closing and PP would reopen. The fighters against Planned Parenthood kept vigilant and knew that PP had tried to rent other space in Fayetteville (some reports say it tried over a dozen times) but could not find a landlord willing to rent to them.
In August, a pregnancy resource center in Rogers received the tip, and research and organizing efforts began. The Freedom Council in Little Rock did the research, and the Northwest Arkansas Respect Life Council began organizing efforts. The local pregnancy center immediately parked a mobile sonogram unit next to the Planned Parenthood building. The community immediately swung into action with rallies, prayer vigils, a Eucharist Procession led by the pastor of the local Catholic church (located just 450 feet from the PP building), and much more.
The Respect Life Council contacted STOPP, and we were able to help in a small way with the planning. The weekend before the Planned Parenthood opened, David Cox of the Family Council and Sheila Pursell of the Respect Life Council appeared together on Jim Sedlak’s radio show to discuss the situation and all that was happening (you can hear the show at Listen to Show #178).
Planned Parenthood opened for business last week. PP said it will begin doing abortions at the building as soon as it gets a license from the state. Let’s pray that doesn’t happen.
To illustrate how this community is coming together to fight Planned Parenthood, major churches in the area have joined in the effort, local legislators have been in front of the center, one local resident made her home available as a remote office of the pregnancy center and another took her home off the market and has turned it into a place to be used by demonstrators to store supplies and take breaks.
God is moving the faithful in Rogers and it is exciting. We will continue to follow the developments there and bring you updates.
Please join the Marian Blue Wave and ask God and His Blessed Mother to close this and every Planned Parenthood center in the nation.