Catholic Leader’s Urgent Letter to Texas Bishops: SB303 / HB1444 “Back Door to Euthanasia”
Monday, May 13, the Texas House will hear HB1444, “An Act relating to advance directives and health care and treatment.
Monday, May 13, the Texas House will hear HB1444, “An Act relating to advance directives and health care and treatment.
-In a letter to the bishops of Argentina sent in late March, Pope Francis directed them to govern the Church there following the Aparecida Document.
The Food and Drug Administration reduced the age limit for Plan B and other morning-after abortifacients and declared that they should be sold over the counter for any buyers age 15 years or older.
This week, both the New York Times and Washington Post rejected a full-page advertisement from American Life League as “too graphic” and “shocking” for their adult readers.
Judie Brown, president and co-founder of American Life League, and a three-time appointee to the Pontifical Academy for Life
oday, the Department of Health and Human Services will close the period for commenting on the contraceptive mandate now included in the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).
By Jim Sedlak
Twenty-eight years ago this month, 10 people got together in a classroom at St. Columba school in Hopewell Junction, New York, to begin an effort that continues to this day.
The Catholic bishop of Sioux Falls, South Dakota has taken action against Catholic insurance agency Avera Health Plans because the company chose to cover contraception so that it would be in compliance with Obamacare.
Judie Brown, president of American Life League and three-time appointee to the Pontifical Academy for Life
A Catholic hospital in Colorado flip-flopped for life after arguing in court
The Holy Father has made it perfectly clear that entities identifying themselves as Catholic charities have an obligation to uphold Catholic teaching in every aspect of their work.
Just yesterday, the Al Smith Dinner, which has been the focus of many efforts at American Life League in our quest to encourage Cardinal Timothy Dolan to disinvite President Barack Obama, took place with the totally pro-abortion president attending and in excellent humor—as was the cardinal.