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Catholic Chaos

When bishops don’t lead, the flock will flounder and begin to stray. When bishops don’t speak out, how can we expect anyone else to raise their voices? When Catholics in the public scene repeatedly and without shame disgrace the Church and the body of Christ, yet are not reprimanded for it, how can we expect anyone to follow Church teaching?

Pope Francis and the Rumor Mill

Though we may not always understand the pope s actions, we must trust him to do God’s will. God’s will is not always clear to us right away, so often we must silence our hearts and listen, for when God speaks, we must be ready to hear.

Why Doesn’t Pope Francis Do Something?

Through His commandments and the tenets of the Church, God lays out a plan for how we should live in order to attain eternal life. All we need to do is listen and then act. Yet, all too often, people don’t want to listen, and they definitely don’t want to act. They are then left to wonder what happened.

Cardinal Dolan’s Mess

Recent headlines detail a rather confusing, but not surprising, situation involving Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of the Archdiocese of New York City, and New York state governor, Andrew Cuomo.

American Catholic Bishops and the New Normal

When the Obama White House first announced that pro-abortion Catholic vice president Joe Biden would lead the United States delegation to the inaugural Mass for Pope Francis, a collective gasp was followed by a prayer that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops would make a public statement clarifying why the vice president could not receive the Eucharist.

Georgetown, Sebelius, and the Need for Consistency

The Catholic community is abuzz with the news that Georgetown University has invited none other than the pro-abortion “Catholic” secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Kathleen Sebelius, to be the commencement speaker at one of the university’s graduation ceremonies.