Our Beginnings
In 1985, the idea of STOPP was conceived. As the work moved from local to national to international, new groups were formed. STOPP INTERNATIONAL has led the fight since 1994. The acronym that forms our name was taken from our purpose (i.e., to STOP Planned Parenthood). To be completely correct, we suppose we should have called ourselves STOPPP, but that seemed a bit of an overkill. The acronym has provided us with many light moments, as we have seen PP try to figure out what it stands for. PP used to print that it stood for STamp Out Planned Parenthood. More recently, it has called us “the Society To Outlaw Planned Parenthood.” Whichever it uses, the meaning is clear.
Our Purpose
The purpose of STOPP is really quite simple: We try to educate people about the truth of Planned Parenthood and its programs so that that we can stand up let them know Planned Parenthood it is unwelcome; eventually it will have no choice but to close its doors. That doesn’t seem like too much to ask of an organization that has been ruthlessly attacking our children for years—abusing them in the womb and in the classroom.
Our Supporters
STOPP is an organization of parents. Parents who share the belief that we have the God-given right and obligation to raise our children, from the moment of conception. Parents who believe that our obligation extends to making sure that any monies collected from us (either by the government, by a company that sells us products, or by some charitable fund) is not used to support the slaughter of innocent babies or the abuse of our growing children. And, finally, parents who believe our school systems should be dedicated to educating our children on basic skills and not using their time for the social engineering programs of PP and other groups.
Our Principles
STOPP is a Christian organization, and as such, we do all of our work in accordance with the teachings of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. The main guidance of our work is the Gospel of St. Matthew, Chapter 10. Anyone who wants to understand us need only read that chapter.
Our Tactics
STOPP endorses all nonviolent activity that is in accord with the laws of God. We support the no-exception legislation position of American Life League. We believe all these activities are necessary and must be joined with an education campaign about the failed sex ed programs of Planned Parenthood, if we are to restore the family to its true place and protect our children.
Our Funding
STOPP INTERNATIONAL is totally supported by free-will donations from concerned people. It is only through your generosity that we are able to continue.
Our Contribution
STOPP provides expert speakers and literature to combat PP programs. Through our newsletter, we keep parents abreast of what PP is doing and how others are successfully fighting PP. We are involved in educating against PP sex education in schools and in stopping local government funding of PP. We want to help you defeat PP in your community.