Bush wants fox in chicken coop
How is that when the director of the FDA resigns, it takes President Bush less than a nanosecond to place Dr. Andrew C.
How is that when the director of the FDA resigns, it takes President Bush less than a nanosecond to place Dr. Andrew C.
The headline said, “Pro Life Groups Praise John Roberts…” and I nearly gagged. Why is any pro-life group praising Roberts? Because George W. Bush promised he’d be a good Supreme Court justice? Come on, guys, pay attention!
in this issue: hot button issues: PLANNED PARENTHOOD / PRO-LIFE MEMORIAL DAY / WHO ARE YOU?action alert: PLAN Babortion: KANSASabortion and breast cancer: MAINSTREAM MEDIAin vitro fertilization: EMBRYO SCREENINGmorning-after abortion… Read More »Communique – Aug. 19, 2005
in this issue: hot button issues: PETITION SEN. SPECTER / PRO-LIFE MEMORIAL DAY / VACCINE UPDATEabortion: MIFEPRISTONE (RU-486)birth control: DEPO-PROVERAcatholic bishops: CANON 915 / DENUNCIATIONSdark side: PLANNED PARENTHOODethics: HUMAN EMBRYOSeuthanasia: PAIN PATCHhistory: STERILIZATIONmorning-after… Read More »Communique – Jul. 29, 2005
in this issue: abortion: ATTITUDES / DOMESTIC VIOLENCE / SURPRISING PRO-LIFE STUDYbush: PRO-ABORT PALeuthanasia: BRITAIN / MUDDY WATERShuman embryonic stem cell research: PRE-EMBRYO MYTHmorning-after abortion pills: NEW HAMPSHIREplanned parenthood: DICTIONARY OF… Read More »Communique – Jul. 8, 2005
With all the commentary, articles, analyses and “big brothers” like Bill O’Reilly lookin’ out for us, it was surely a pleasure to read a down to earth
in this issue: hot button issues: ALL CALLS FOR MAHONY RESIGNATIONadolescents: ABSTINENCEare human embryos human beings? MARIO CUOMOhospice: BAIT AND SWITCHhuman embryonic stem cell research: HERITAGE FOUNDATION WRONG / IRVING… Read More »Communique – Jul. 5, 2005
in this issue: hot button issues: ALL CRUSADE WALKabortion: BREAST CANCER / CHEMCIAL / CRACKDOWN / DOMESTIC VIOLENCE / NO! / TRAININGbirth control pill: SEX DRIVEeuthanasia: GALLUP POLL /… Read More »Communique – Jun. 3, 2005
in this issue: hot button issue: AMERICAN LIFE LEAGUE BLOGSbush administration: PROMOTING EUTHANASIA?catholic bishops: NEW ORLEANScongress: PRO-LIFE?euthanasia: DIFFERENCES / INCREMENTALISM / OREGON / SCHIAVO I / SCHIAVO IImorning-after abortion pills: MISSOURIpolitics: WILLINGLY… Read More »Communique – May. 13, 2005
4/22/05 in this issue: hot button issues: HABEMUS PAPAM / NATIONAL PRO-LIFE T-SHIRT DAYabortion: BUFFER ZONES / INDIANAculture of death: SELLING HOSTdark side: CFFC / PLANNED PARENTHOODeuthanasia: GEORGIA / VIRGINIAmorning-after… Read More »Communique – Apr. 22, 2005
in this issue: hot button issues: POPE JOHN PAUL IIabortion: MONTANA / SOUTH CAROLINA / NEW YORKbirth control mandates: COLORADO / ILLINOIS / NARALculture of death: NETHERLANDSplanned parenthood: GAG RULE… Read More »Communique – Apr. 8, 2005
in this issue: urgent / terri schiavo: BULLETIN / VATICAN NEWSPAPER / WENSKIhot button issues: FLORIDA / LOVING WILLbioethics: CATHOLIC?catholic bishops: PHILIPPINES / REALITY CHECKmorning-after abortion pill: FDA / WISCONSINplanned… Read More »Communique – Mar. 25, 2005