Notre Dame: Zealots Vs. Zombies
Depending on which account of the events surrounding the tragic invitation extended to President Barack Obama by the University of Notre Dame
Depending on which account of the events surrounding the tragic invitation extended to President Barack Obama by the University of Notre Dame
Those Americans who have a true grasp of what justice meant to our founding fathers must be a bit perplexed by the actions of Eastern District Court of New York Judge Edward R. Korman who has ordered the U.S.
Though not widely publicized, the case of 35-year-old Air Force Captain Michael Fontana brings to light the tentacle of the culture of death that is snake-like and sneaky.
The following statement was issued by American Life League president Judie Brown, regarding recommended wording changes to the North Dakota Personhood Bill.
The news about the Obama administration’s action on human embryonic stem cell research was not surprising, but a bit otherworldly.
There’s been such a hodgepodge of things Catholic in the news this past week, that it could become mind-boggling if one did not sort it all out, or at least make an effort.
America is witnessing a Catholic identity meltdown and there have been a series of explanations for this over the course of the past several months.
Kathleen Sebelius, current governor of Kansas and alleged Catholic, has distinguished herself in many ways. Most disturbing among them is her long-held support for the act of abortion.
It is perpetually true that when a genuine threat to the status quo becomes more than an idea in someone’s imagination, those who are most threatened by innovation become overcome with anxiety from which flows a whole lot of garbage.
An Oregon high school math teacher will face an attack Friday from an affiliate of the nation’s largest abortion business.
The Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood’s research arm, released a pitch today for more taxpayer funding for ‘family planning services’ – contraception and abortion. Every dollar spent on ‘family planning programs’ saves the American people $4, the study says.
People who live in assisted living communities or those who are contemplating such a move should meet my husband’s cousin, Shirley. She is a living dynamo