Twisted Perspectives As The Law Of The Land?
The “health care reform” proposal moved a step closer to reality this past weekend when the U.S. Senate approved opening debate on the measure.
The “health care reform” proposal moved a step closer to reality this past weekend when the U.S. Senate approved opening debate on the measure.
Every year, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development sponsors a nationwide appeal for the stated purpose of helping the impoverished.
These past few days of haggling and heckling over H.R. 3962, the Pelosi version of Obama-style “health care reform,” have left me with a rather sick feeling.
On November 22, in Catholic churches around the country, ushers will pass collection baskets for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD).
Sometimes the facts are scary enough to double for imaginary witches, goblins and monsters from Count Dracula’s basement all in one fell swoop.
When I read the news that Archbishop Raymond Burke, who currently heads the Vatican’s equivalent of the U.S. Supreme Court, had just been appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to serve the Church as a member of the Vatican Congregation for Bishops, I was elated.
There’s got to be a reason why there is so much whining in the pro-abortion movement right now. The recent behavior of the folks at RH Reality Check, National Abortion Rights Action League (I mean NARAL Pro-Choice America) and elsewhere is very interesting.
In our pursuit of state and federal constitutional protection for all human persons from the beginning of their biological development
Last November, after the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now voter fraud and embezzlement scandals surfaced in the media before and during the 2008 election
The recent commentary by Clarke Forsythe, senior legal counsel at Americans United for Life, presents a challenge that must be met.
According to recent news stories on the Obama administration’s effort to investigate the Bush administration’s authorization of certain interrogation techniques
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Catholic Campaign for Human Development has been at the center of more sleazy news reports over the years than anyone could possibly count. I remember when