Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia
The most comprehensive source for information on euthanasia and assisted suicide, in our opinion, is the International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. It… Read More »Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia
The most comprehensive source for information on euthanasia and assisted suicide, in our opinion, is the International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. It… Read More »Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia
As the New Year commences, there are two things that each pro-life American should do: Take stock of progress over the past decade and refocus efforts if they have not produced the results that were anticipated.
Many years ago when I was a wee one, my mom, dad, sisters and extended family would sing the ever-charming “All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.”
Michael Voris, who is a constant amazement, inspiration and motivational force to me, appears in a series called “The Vortex” which is available on YouTube and his web site.
Over the years, I have seen Pope John Paul II’s encyclical letter Evangelium Vitae, specifically section 73, paragraph 3, used to defend all manner of incrementalism in supposedly pro-life legislation.
One of the least reported, but most blatantly repugnant expenditures contained in the Senate version of the health care reform bill is the allocation of $75,000,000 to Planned Parenthood and its cohorts for the express purpose of initiating the “Personal Responsibility Education for Adulthood Training” programs.
There are times when it seems that far too many words are uttered about “choice” and far too few about the human being whose life is expunged because it’s “legal” to do so.
The “health care reform” proposal moved a step closer to reality this past weekend when the U.S. Senate approved opening debate on the measure.
Every year, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development sponsors a nationwide appeal for the stated purpose of helping the impoverished.
These past few days of haggling and heckling over H.R. 3962, the Pelosi version of Obama-style “health care reform,” have left me with a rather sick feeling.
On November 22, in Catholic churches around the country, ushers will pass collection baskets for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD).
Sometimes the facts are scary enough to double for imaginary witches, goblins and monsters from Count Dracula’s basement all in one fell swoop.