The Problem with Half-Truths and IVF
Over the past couple of years a great many shocking facts have emerged about the inherent dangers associated with “reproductive technology,” including and most specifically in vitro fertilization.
Over the past couple of years a great many shocking facts have emerged about the inherent dangers associated with “reproductive technology,” including and most specifically in vitro fertilization.
Jack Cashill tells saga involving abortions on scores of under-14-year-olds.
In an explosive revelation that could bring down Obama Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Johnson County, Kan
The definitions of the terms used in a discussion can and do change the outcome. The political maxim, “He who frames the issue wins the debate” applies in many situations including how the public views what abortion is and why it is either legitimate or illicit.
Former attorney general Phill Kline is under attack by the world’s leading proponent of abortion, Planned Parenthood.
A PDF version of this article is available here. Copyright September 25, 2011 I. INTRODUCTION In a recent article reporting on the efforts of Lancet to… Read More »Catholic Bioethicist Calls To End Ban on Reproductive Cloning
The good pro-life folks in Ohio are “all shook up” over the conflict that has arisen surrounding a legislative proposal known as the “heartbeat bill.”
The disciples thought of this verse from Psalm 69 (PS 69:10), in relation to Jesus when they witnessed his cleansing of the Temple.
The United States of America is about to witness a series of phenomena that are stark reminders of the ever-growing gap between the family unit as we knew it in the fifties and the broken home that we recognize as emblematic of the current milieu.
It has often been said by my fellow pro-lifers that it is simply untimely to expect the general population to understand the reasons why the practice of contraception not only leads to but, in many instances, causes abortion.
Crises abound in the world today whether they are in the streets of London, the hallways of Congress, or the state capitals that house men and women hell-bent on dictating behavioral norms for all of us.
Recently we reprinted an outstanding article entitled “The Erosion of Human Rights” that had been published in the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano.