Transforming today’s nursing homes
by: Mary Meehan – Celebrate Life Is it possible to celebrate life when you are elderly, frail, and living in a nursing home? Staff at… Read More »Transforming today’s nursing homes
by: Mary Meehan – Celebrate Life Is it possible to celebrate life when you are elderly, frail, and living in a nursing home? Staff at… Read More »Transforming today’s nursing homes
More than 500 Catholic men recently walked a mile in the rain in Peoria, Illinois.
by: Rita Diller Once again, Planned Parenthood is knee deep in a coalition with government officials and morally bereft sex-pushing organizations, to the great detriment… Read More »Planned Parenthood and Cohorts Churn out National Standards for Public Schools
In the wake of the skewed media coverage regarding how and why birth control is somehow the panacea for all females.
Alliances have always been at the heart of political campaigns.
When the Anglican Lambeth Conference in 1930 rejected the always constant Christian unity on the grave sinfulness of contraception by allowing its use for serious reasons, Pope Pius XI responded immediately with the encyclical, Casti Connubii, on December 31, 1930.
When the Anglican Lambeth Conference in 1930 rejected the always constant Christian unity on the grave sinfulness of contraception by allowing its use for serious reasons, Pope Pius XI responded immediately with the encyclical, Casti Connubii, on December 31, 1930.
by: Bud Macfarlane Part II (continued from last Wednesday) When the Anglican Lambeth Conference in 1930 rejected the always constant Christian unity on the grave… Read More »We Place Our Trust in You, Most Beloved Priests of Jesus Christ
There is scientific evidence in abundance that confirms the humanity of the individual human being from the point of his creation.
Not too long ago we began hearing stories about the surcharges that are part of the Obama healthcare plan.
When professed atheists begin suggesting to Catholics in name only that it’s time for them to leave the Church, there is something really good happening in America.
Ever since the Obama administration chose to ramrod a policy that is anathema to Catholic doctrine, we have seen all sorts of machinations emanating from the media, twisting and mollifying the argument in order to remove clarity from exactly what it is Obama is attempting to do.