Heroism in the Face of Scandal
There are many legitimate, professional news reports these days that are exposing heroism among Catholic bishops versus the creeping crud of secularism within the Church.
There are many legitimate, professional news reports these days that are exposing heroism among Catholic bishops versus the creeping crud of secularism within the Church.
Most people do not follow the so-called “personhood” political scene, but if they did it might be helpful if one could see that words can be used to complicate even the most basic fact.
In March of 1981 Pope John Paul II told his audience during the March 15 Angelus message, “Our prayer during Lent, aims at awakening [consciences],” and making men aware of God’s voice.
By Archbishop Samuel Aquila
This pastoral letter was written for the anniversary of Roe v. Wade in January.
While Obamacare has been a topic of debate and discussion for the last four years, the Obama/Sebelius contraceptive mandate—complete with the recent vapid compromise—really raised the stakes for Catholics.
Sandra Fluke, the champion of free birth control for women, has reached a new low in her quest to shame the American public into believing that when it comes to promiscuity and sex, employers with well-formed consciences are badly in need of government intervention.
The latest action from the Obama administration is but another sleight of hand designed to ignore the objections of those who have expressed concerns about providing insurance coverage to employees for birth control services while claiming that quite the opposite is true.
On January 16, in preparation for the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, the Pew Research Foundation issued the results of a 1,502 person survey dealing with abortion and the attitudes of those surveyed.
Not too long ago Bill O’Reilly made the astute observation that Americans are the ones responsible for the chaos that is currently enveloping this nation.
It is reported that Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal is a Catholic. Further, it has been said that he is a conservative Republican.
The United States Department of Education (DOE) is investigating a junior ROTC instructor who is reported to have said that the Bible condemns homosexuality.
Contraception has ensnared women in more ways than one.