Conscription into Maternity Say What?
President Obama has taken many actions that have left countless Americans bewildered and, in some cases, outraged.
President Obama has taken many actions that have left countless Americans bewildered and, in some cases, outraged.
Ever since I was old enough to have childhood memories, I have cherished the times I attended Eucharistic Adoration with my mother and grandmother.
By Ryan Bomberger
Trayvon’s exploited and tragic death is not about race but about bolstering a false ideology and justifying misdirected violent behavior.
If we could count the ways that physicians have become the politicians of their chosen profession, perhaps we would better understand why human lives are like poker chips, popular votes or, even worse, trash.
Catholic Relief Services’ history is not a pretty one, so the most recent news really comes as no surprise.
The United States currency states “In God We Trust.” The United States Treasury explains that this phrase appears on our bills because of the increased religious sentiment that existed during the Civil War.
In view of the June 26 Supreme Court decisions on “gay” marriage, it is time for serious Catholics to examine how this perverted situation came to pass.
A great deal has been written over the years about wayward Catholics in public life and their deconstruction of Catholic teaching.
The struggle to defund the abortion-marketing giant, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, continues.
By Rob Gasper
Rarely a week goes by where I do not receive a call from a Catholic pro-life activist frustrated with the errors and excesses of fellow Catholics, be it a Catholic politician promoting abortion or a Catholic funding group giving money to causes allied directly with the culture of death.
We have frequently argued that one of the main reasons why we want to redefine the pro-life movement as the pro-human personhood movement is that it is a positive
It was the year 2000 and the state was California. In a court case that rocked many believing Catholics, a lower court judge decided that denying contraceptive coverage to Catholic Charities’ employees put an undue burden on those employees.