A Letter from Bishop Slattery: Countering with Prayer the Proposed Black Mass in Oklahoma City
By Most Rev. Edward J. Slattery
As has been widely reported, a Satanic Black Mass has been scheduled for September 21 in Oklahoma City’s Civic Center.
By Most Rev. Edward J. Slattery
As has been widely reported, a Satanic Black Mass has been scheduled for September 21 in Oklahoma City’s Civic Center.
Atrocities against human beings occur every day worldwide. Often we hear an outcry when an offense is especially egregious. But what could be more egregious than the wanton slaughtering of innocent babies or than the premature death of those who are ill? Let us examine the actions, or the inactions, of our daily lives. Souls are at stake.
By J. Pepper Bryars
Men are told that they don’t have a legal right or a moral role in the abortion issue. Many believe that it’s not only a woman’s right to choose, but it’s also a woman-only issue to debate.
If you have not heard of eugenics or do not understand the word’s meaning, it is imperative that you learn. Throughout the world, individuals and organizations have adopted the attitudes and practices that some people are better than others and are working hard to push this belief on those easily swayed. They do not understand the sanctity of each and every life. They do not understand that every life is a gift. This is why education is important.
The culture of death is increasingly prevalent in today’s society and around the world. It can be seen in the lack of respect and dignity shown for preborn babies, for the sick, and for the dying. But this need not be the case. For those who do not have voices, we must speak. For those who do have voices, we must augment them so they are heard. Life is precious. Life is a gift. It is not for us to take away from anyone.
As we reflect on the freedom and independence our Founding Fathers fought so hard for, we must vow to continue to fight for those rights for life, for liberty so that we can live life as Our Lord wants us to.
Judie Brown reacts to yesterday’s SCOTUS decision and explains the truth about hormonal contraception a truth that many do not understand. A truth that many do not want to hear.
The Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision in the Burwell v. Hobby Lobby case has caused a bit of consternation among pro-abortion fanatics.
An amazing man and priest tragically lost his life last week at the hands of a disturbed individual. Let us not reflect upon the wickedness of this murder, but upon the life Father Walker led, and upon the light he brought to this world when he lived. It is only then will we see the light and hand of Christ.
When a family member suffers, or is sick and dying, it is natural to want him to have the best care possible. But we must understand what proper care includes. A recent and tragic example explains why end-of-life care that supports the dignity of Christ’s children is of utmost importance.
When tragedy occurs, the tendency of most people is to ask, “Why?” We want to know why it happened and how it can be prevented in the future. These are certainly laudable goals. But maybe some reflection is needed as well reflection upon the values and morals in society and the changes that have taken place over the last several decades. Reflection upon the family, upon how we are raising our children, about the influences and the bombardment of immorality. If we are to effect change, we must first look here.
The destruction of the family is one of the greatest disasters of the last century. It has happened subtly, almost silently, and now we are left with the carnage. How will we alter the path that so many seem so willing to travel? Will we raise our voices in protest? If we want to make changes and save lives and souls, we must.