ALL Board Member States ‘Insult to Women’ for Bruce Jenner to Claim He Is a Woman
Hugh Brown issues call to stand against cultural ‘mudslide’
Hugh Brown issues call to stand against cultural ‘mudslide’
By Melissa Pena
As part of the younger generation, I believe we must arm our peers with the knowledge to make better decisions.
From California to Wisconsin to Illinois and beyond, the consciences of believing Catholics are being challenged by politics and the medical profession with, seemingly, no relief in sight. Let’s examine what’s happening in these places.
By Rita Diller
Sunday, June 7, 2015, marks the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s dreadful Griswold decision that decriminalized contraception throughout the United States.
LifeNews referenced American Life League in a story concerning free speech rights at abortion facilities. ALL president Judie Brown was quoted in the article.
CBS Los Angeles mentioned American Life League’s stance that “despite being created in a laboratory, a frozen embryo is also ‘created by God’ and ‘has a soul’ and that allowing such embryos to ‘thaw’ and be destroyed is tantamount to ‘murder.’”
Science fiction was once just that-fiction. They were stories meant to frighten us, to make us wary of what the future might hold. Well, now we seem to be living that future. And we should be very worried.
Imagine being utterly helpless, wanting to cry for somebody-anybody-to come to your aid. Yet no one can hear you. No one comes for you; you are incredibly alone. And then suddenly there is intense pain and you can cry no more.
When people become blind to Church teaching and put their wants and needs above Our Lord’s, they lead their souls into jeopardy. It is not only then that our leaders should step in and intervene, but before this mentality takes hold. In a world saturated with selfishness and the absence of God, we desperately need leaders who lead.
Controversy appears to have adopted a different framework, and we now have a new adaptation of what it means to be outside the mainstream.
Catholic leadership often creates a level of discomfort among those of us who believe that today’s culture wars require saints and martyrs rather than politicians masquerading as bishops and priests.
By Christopher M. Reilly
If you have ever heard the word “eugenics,” you probably know that it is a heinous act. And in the 21st century, we’re supposed to be more sophisticated and better behaved than the Nazis or the 18th and 19th century Americans who plotted massive exterminations of the “undesirable” population.
When we encounter a mystery, we must examine the clues, look at all the evidence, and make a decision based on what those things tell us. We have a bizarre mystery at hand, and we must sift through all the clues to find the truth. What exactly is that truth?