Driving the Stake into Its Heart
It has now been five videos, but in reality it has been nearly 100 years, and still the beast that devours our preborn children and the souls of our living children prowls this earth.
It has now been five videos, but in reality it has been nearly 100 years, and still the beast that devours our preborn children and the souls of our living children prowls this earth.
I became incredibly ill this weekend when I started sifting through some historical information that had somehow slipped my mind.
Most have already heard—and seen at least part of—the startling video taken by the Center for Medical Progress of Deborah Nucatola, MD, senior director of medical services at Planned Parenthood Federation of America. In that video she describes in nauseating detail the involvement of Planned Parenthood in carefully selecting and selling various types of dead human fetal body parts after performing their abortions on women.
This past week has been bizarre. First we heard from Politico that the Obama Department of Justice was considering a probe of the Center for Medical Progress.
My heart aches today. This new video gives witness to a train wreck of human tragedy.
In the recent reports about Planned Parenthood’s selling of baby body parts, a particular research group at the forefront of using human cells for scientific research has come to our attention.
Today, the Center for Medical Progress released another video of another Planned Parenthood senior official displaying disregard for the law.
The history of Catholics for Choice reveals a group of alleged Catholics who dissent from Church teaching. They do this in very public ways and have done so from the organization’s founding in 1973.
Last Friday’s Supreme Court decision regarding the union of two people of the same sex should come as no surprise to anyone involved in defending human beings from creation to death.
Let us resume the practice of giving names to life and to things. I have been a mere number long enough to know what it means to be nameless and what effect it has on life.
Hugh Brown issues call to stand against cultural ‘mudslide’
By Melissa Pena
As part of the younger generation, I believe we must arm our peers with the knowledge to make better decisions.