Communique – Aug. 31, 2007
in this issue: hot button issues: NONSENSE / PLANNED PARENTHOOD / PRO-LIFE MEMORIAL DAY / ROCK FOR LIFEabortion: ACCESS / AMNESTY INTERNATIONALamazing: IN THE BLINK OF AN EYEbirth… Read More »Communique – Aug. 31, 2007
in this issue: hot button issues: NONSENSE / PLANNED PARENTHOOD / PRO-LIFE MEMORIAL DAY / ROCK FOR LIFEabortion: ACCESS / AMNESTY INTERNATIONALamazing: IN THE BLINK OF AN EYEbirth… Read More »Communique – Aug. 31, 2007
Cristina Page recently wrote yet another biting article for the reproductive health conglomerate, one of a seemingly non-stop series of tirades against the people who dare to oppose promiscuity, contraception, abortion and other practices she and her cohorts see as essential to a happy life.
Who are the primary teachers of our children? As an educator, I would often tell my students’ parents that, although I was their child’s classroom teacher, it is always the parents who are the primary teachers
in this issue: hot button issues: PRO-LIFE MEMORIAL DAYabortion: TILLERplanned parenthood: ANTI-CATHOLIC / COLORADO / ILLINOIS / MISSOURIru-486: SAFE?stem cell politics: MICHIGANstem cell research / unethical: SPARE PARTSreminders: 40 DAYS FOR LIFE… Read More »Communique – Aug. 24, 2007
Just when my coffee had barely reached the point of helping me wake up, I read a news report that riled me beyond belief. I am now wide awake, thanks to Missouri Right to Life’s placation of the culture of death.
in this issue: hot button issues: PRO-LIFE MEMORIAL DAY / SPECIAL EVENTabortion: LOOPHOLEactivism: GRAPHIC IMAGES / KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUScatholic bishops: END THE SCANDALorgan donation: BRAIN DEATHplanned parenthood: COLORADO / ILLINOIS /… Read More »Communique – Aug. 17, 2007
in this issue: hot button issues: PLANNED PARENTHOOD / PRO-LIFE MEMORIAL DAY / SPECIAL EVENTabortion: CHINA / TILLERbirth control pill: ABORTIFACIENTplanned parenthood: CONNECTICUT / KENTUCKY / OREGON / WISCONSINstem… Read More »Communique – Aug. 10, 2007
“The directors of our prisons obviously have more common sense than some educators of our children,” said American Life League vice president Jim Sedlak.
in this issue: hot button issues: PLANNED PARENTHOOD / WHAT WOULD THE APOSTLES DO?abortion: AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL / LATIN AMERICA / OHIObirth control: PREVENTING ABORTION?euthanasia: ORGAN DONATIONmorning-after abortion pill: WASHINGTONplanned parenthood: CHICAGO… Read More »Communique – Aug. 3, 2007
Pope Benedict’s recent document concerning the Catholic Church has raised a number of hackles, especially among those who take issue with the idea that Jesus Christ started one church and not many.
I have been travelling in Eastern Europe for the past two weeks and have been somewhat out of touch with news, but during a conversation with a young Hungarian mom, the reality of why we are pro-life really struck home.
in this issue: hot button issues: NONSENSE / PLANNED PARENTHOOD / PRO-LIFE MEMORIAL DAY / ROCK FOR LIFEabortion: ACCESS / AMNESTY INTERNATIONALamazing: IN THE BLINK OF AN EYEbirth… Read More »Communique – Aug. 31, 2007