One Million Dead In Britain
The new year barely got started when Life Site News was reminding us that the gravity of the struggle continues unabated, and without much notice from the mainstream media, we might add.
The new year barely got started when Life Site News was reminding us that the gravity of the struggle continues unabated, and without much notice from the mainstream media, we might add.
We note that while all of us at American Life League took the time to celebrate the birth of Christ with our families and loved ones, others were busy promoting, affirming and otherwise advancing the culture of death.
When I heard from our associate group, Pro-Life Wisconsin, that Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison had changed his position on the emergency contraception bill currently before the Wisconsin state legislature, my enthusiasm level increased about 200 percent.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists is once again attempting to hijack medical ethics. Because of ACOG’s history of mass deception, which I will detail in the paragraphs to follow, this latest action should not have surprised me.
The country of Croatia has witnessed something extraordinary. Between 1989 and 2005, for which the latest statistics are available, the abortion rate has declined from 51,289 to 4,563. A remarkable 90 percent drop, praise God.
in this issue: hot button issues: ACOG / PERSONHOOD / PLANNED PARENTHOOD / SAVING THOSE DAMNED CATHOLICSabortion: RISKS I / RISKS IImorning-after abortion pill: WISCONSINpolitics: LESSER OF TWO EVILSstem… Read More »Communique – Dec. 14, 2007
Last Thursday, I read a series of news reports that brought me face to face with the tragic consequences of more than 30 years of unabated abuse – of drugs, the English language and the preborn child.
I am positive that I was joined by millions of Americans who watched the Heisman Trophy ceremonies.
in this issue: hot button issues: NOELLE / PLANNED PARENTHOOD CARDSabortion: ABORTION VIA SMOOTHIE / PRACTITIONERSbirth control: PRESCRIPTION DRUG USE INCREASEcatholic bishops: NIENSTEDTculture of death: MTVeugenics: CRICK AND WATSONfetal tissue research: UPDATEmorning-after… Read More »Communique – Dec. 7, 2007
The film Noelle arrives in American theaters on December 7. On the upside, its haunting music and beautiful cinematography set the mood for a Christmas mystery in New England. Noelle also treats viewers to a few good laughs.
Pro-lifers in Missouri are wearing the most recent Planned Parenthood attack on their efforts as a badge of courage. In case you had not heard about this Planned Parenthood silliness, let me clue you in.
“Parents need to know what Planned Parenthood has in store for their children and this report is an excellent starting point,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League.